The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009
President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) into law, enacting a $787 billion stimulus plan over three years in response to a growing recession. February 17, 2009
ARRA Primary Objectives Preserve and create jobs to promote economic recovery Assist those most impacted by the recession Provide investments to increase economic efficiency by spurring technological advances in fields of science and health Invest in infrastructure that will provide long-term benefits Stabilize state and local government budgets to minimize and avoid reductions in essential services and counterproductive federal and local tax increases
ARRA Guiding Principals Spend Quickly to Save and Retain Jobs Ensure Transparency and Accountability Thoughtfully Invest One-time Funds Advance Effective Reforms
ARRA and the State Budget Pennsylvania expects to receive an estimated $16 billion in federal funding. This includes billions of dollars in direct relief for Pennsylvania taxpayers and more than $9.9 billion in formula-driven funding for health care, education, infrastructure, job training, housing and other aid. Once the State budget impasse is resolved, ARRA funding may be profuse
Current ARRA Funded Grants 1. Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (Planning/Facilities Management) 2. Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Grant (CJ Planning & IP Programs) 3. Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (Redevelopment Authority) 4. Community Development Block Grant (Redevelopment Authority) 5. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (Community Services) 6. Title IV-E (Children & Youth) 7. Nutrition Services Incentive Program (Aging)
Basic Framework of ARRA Reporting Federal Agency Prime Recipient Sub-recipientVendor
Who is required to report under the Recovery Act? Prime Recipients Non-Federal entities that receive Recovery Act funding Any level of government can be a Prime Recipient. (Commonwealth or County) Can be in the form of grants, loans, or cooperative agreements directly from the Federal government Prime recipients may choose to delegate certain reporting requirements to sub-recipients
Who is required to report under the Recovery Act (continued)? Prime Recipients (continued) Payments made by prime recipients of Federal award dollars can be classified into two categories: Payments to Sub-Recipients Payments to Vendors Prime Recipients are ultimately responsible for reporting data on payments made to both categories.
Who is required to report under the Recovery Act (continued)? Sub-recipients Non-Federal entities that are awarded Recovery funding through the prime recipient to support the performance of any portion of the project or program. Sub-recipients that receive all or a portion of Recovery funding from a prime recipient may be delegated the responsibility by the prime recipient to report. Responsibility of programmatic decision making. Responsibility for adherence to applicable Federal program compliance requirements.
Who is required to report under the Recovery Act (continued)? Vendors Defined as a dealer, distributor, merchant, or other seller providing goods or services that are required for the conduct of a Federal program. Provides the goods and services within normal business operations Are not subject to compliance requirements of the Federal Program.
Who is required to report under the Recovery Act (continued)? Vendors (continued) Prime or sub-recipients may purchase goods or services needed to carry out the project or program from vendors. Individuals receiving benefits payments or other types of Federal awards are excluded from reporting information under the Act. In certain cases, individual loan recipients may be required to comply with Section 1512 (sole proprietorships)
Example: Cumberland County is Prime Recipient (no Sub-recipients) Award/Grant: Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Federal Agency (Department of Energy) Prime Recipient (Cumberland County) Vendor (Constellation Energy)
Example: Cumberland County is Prime Recipient with Reporting Responsibility Delegated to the Sub-Recipient. Award: Homelessness Preventions and Rapid Re-housing Program Federal Agency (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) Prime Recipient (Cumberland County) Sub-recipient (Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority)
Example: State is Prime Recipient and the County is Sub-Recipient with delegated reporting responsibility. Award: None to date Federal Agency Prime Recipient (Commonwealth of PA) Sub-recipient (Cumberland County)
General Reporting Requirements Reported by Award/Grant Filed Quarterly for periods ending March, June, September and December. First quarter required for reporting is 9/09. It should include cumulative activity since February 17 th. Prime recipient deadline is the 10 th day after the end of each quarter. Extensions are possible only in instances of nature disaster and similar catastrophe. Failure to report can lead to loss of award along with label of “material omission and significant reporting errors.” We are registered at to complete to file quarterly report. This reporting is in addition to currently required reporting.
Prime Recipient’s Requirements Ultimately responsible for the reporting of all data required by Section 1512 of the Recovery Act. John Jones is the ARRA Reporting Coordinator and will file quarterly at A template has been provided as a handout showing required fields.
Sub-recipients of the Prime Recipient Requirements Must be designated reporting responsibility by the Prime Recipient. The Commonwealth’s requirements may change grant to grant. We expect ARRA money as part of base funding and possibly funding new discretionary grants. A template has been provided as a handout showing required fields.
Tracking ARRA Funds Each award for which CCPA is a Prime Recipient or has been delegated Sub-recipient reporting responsibilities will have it’s own accounting unit. When the new accounting unit is set up it will have attributes added which will identify its: Funding source (Federal or State) Federal source State source (if applicable) There will be summary accounts established in the chart of accounts to capture all ARRA funding.
Internal Reporting of ARRA Funds A separate link will be on the Lawson left Navigation bar for ARRA Reporting Its Bookmark is Financial Reports>ARRA Reporting The reports will allow you to report: Report on ARRA funds we have reporting requirements for Reports on all ARRA funds
Supplement 1 The list of programs under ARRA that need to meet the reporting requirements found under section 1512 of the Act. Continually updated through feedback from Federal agencies and non-Federal recipients “Inadvertently omitted” See handout
Databases CCR Contractors database Tammy Klusman (administrator) FedConnect Grant database New and existing grants/applications Tammy Klusman (administrator) ASAP “Cash flow” database Management of bank accounts (John Gross) Request drawdowns (Dana Best to assign requestors) Stimulus reporting database John Jones (reporting on behalf of the County)
Internet/Intranet The County will be devoting space on the website for important information regarding ARRA funding. Internet List of awards, project descriptions, grant totals Intranet Relevant links, contact information, reporting timeline, ARRA presentation
Contact Information Please contact John Jones at Ext or if … Have any questions or concerns regarding the stimulus funding Think you may have a grant listed on Supplement 1 Received an official notification of impending stimulus funds Thinking about applying for a stimulus funded grant Additional guidance:
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