Strategic Vision Mission: Advancing mental health care through excellence in research and education Professor Martin Orrell Director, Institute of Mental Health
University National impact International impact Highest quality research Top publications Major grant funding Building research capacity Entrepreneurial and innovative Business collaboration Generalisability Clinical Setting Applied multidisciplinary research Theory driven
Trust Local benefits/issues and more than mental health Reputation - local, regional and national reputation Dynamic and innovative Staff recruitment and leadership Improving outcomes and quality of services More benefit for more people – key issues in MH Policy linked Value for money Develop/evaluate services & interventions Evidence based/audit Attractive to commissioners Build business base Strong governance and management Solving (not creating) problems Better experiences for multidisciplinary students Statistics and methods support for local research
Programme Grants Closer links with Nottingham Trials Unit/Health Economics Including shared posts trials/statistics/economics Ideal multidisciplinary mix Masterclasses from experienced Programme Grant award holders and trialists. One to one advisory sessions (Prof. Orrell and Prof. Ian Russell) Advanced preparation Bounce back and resubmit best proposals Aim for applications in each round Several senior academics working on proposals
Postgraduate Education Opportunities and Challenges Opportunities International PhD programme (UoN, Aalborg model) International DClinPsych students (UCL, U Teeside) Further develop links with Europe, Asia, USA, Brazil MSc in Mental Health Research – link ESRC Doctoral Training Centre Multidisciplinary Clinical Fellowships eg NIHR and MRC Methodology Challenges Limited availability of top quality students Competing courses Teaching load Need to review provision and demand to stay ahead and sustainable Proposals Marketing Distinctive excellence Develop and value specialist teaching roles
Academic Psychiatry Opportunities Develop research and academic capacity Academic Clinical Fellows in Psychiatry Develop programme to support NIHR and other Fellowship applications and increase success rate Challenges Limited availability of trainees Competing training rotations Proposals Survey past Nottingham graduates - psychiatry trainees? Promote IMH as centre of excellence with trainee events for region Promote Nottingham psychiatry training as academic/university MSc in Mental Health Research - promote to psychiatry trainees and links to posts/academic track Link to p/t PhD and ACF track at ST4-ST6 level Discussions with Dr Gill Pinner
Identity & Communication Websites: need to be clearly linked/defined + link to building & organisation Communications: strategy for stories and public Media: build links to local/national outlets Cultural activities: art, music, and drama to illustrate Mental Health issues Dissemination: getting research into practice Patients and carers involved across spectrum of activities
Reputation Link with clinical services of excellence (eg CANDAL) Build business and interdisciplinary links Distinctive message about IMH work Highlight brilliant new research Promote Centres + include overall IMH message Promote individuals + their work and associate with IMH
Centres of Excellence Strengths Critical mass of multidisciplinary academics Core research themes Strengthen profile and impact eg MindTech (only MH HTC) Challenges Key disciplines to maximise potential Sustainability with large grants in each Centre Increase profile and link to excellent clinical services Increase number of studies and participants
So far – first 100 days AQUEDUCT NIHR Programme grant relocated to Nottingham PRIDE Programme grant relocated to Nottingham Recent EU Grant for PhD training network Strategic Vision developed China Strategy drafted Education strategy drafted Progress on Recovery Chair – interviews next week Trust R&D moved to DMH Planning for research methods/publication workshops Better access for Trust to methods/stats/economics support via RSU at IMH Aim for more regional collaboration with IMH/Nottinghamshire Healthcare as central point of academic excellence
Conclusion Inspiring leadership working in partnership Interdisciplinary applied research and education Sustainability Focus on outcomes: Better diagnostics Better interventions Better care and organised services Better understanding of processes Better value (costs x outcomes) Better education, training, and support for workforce Better engagement with services, users and carers Progress far – and lots in the pipeline!