高中基础 (2341 期 ) 头版 Balance Keeps Your (Friend)ship Afloat
2 Pre-reading Have you read the cartoon series created by Nan Dongni? What impression has the work left on you? How many friends do you have on WeChat? Do you think these are all your true friends?
3 HAPPY TIME Here is a selection of Nan Dongni’s cartoon series. Try to act them out in English and talk about the subjects they address. Pre-reading
4 WORD BANK..., which is why a cartoon series created by Chinese artist Nan Dongni became popular lately. The series features two lovely penguins..., but his cordiality is rejected as his friend is too busy with homework. feature v. 以 …… 为特色 cordiality n. 热情友好 While reading lately adv. 最近,近来 reject v. 拒绝,拒绝接受
5 WORD BANK A cartoon usually addresses its subject in a humorous and exaggerated way, and this one is no exception. Real-life friendships, fortunately, aren’t so fragile. However, the cartoon series does highlight a contemporary issue: In this social networking era, some of your friends are acquaintances at best. at best 充其量 address v. 处理,对付 subject n. 话题,题材 While reading exaggerated adj. 夸张的,夸大的 exception n. 例外 fragile adj. 脆弱的,不牢固的 highlight v. 突出,强调 contemporary adj. 当代的,现代的 era n. 时代,年代 acquaintance n. 认识的人,泛泛之交
6 WORD BANK A new study conducted by Oxford psychology professor... shows that regardless of how many... to be a small fraction of that number. The study involved over 3,000 men and women ranging from 18 to 65 years old. regardless of 无论,不管 fraction n. 少量,小部分 involve v. 使参加,加入 While reading conduct v. 实施,执行 range from... to... (在一定范围内)变动
7 1. Your resume should ___________ your skills and achievements. 2. They __________ the idea because it would cost too much money. 3. The exhibition ___________ paintings by van Gogh. 4. It is best to deal with a problem as soon as it _________. 5. The issue of funding has yet to be ____________. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. VOCABULARY EXERCISES feature highlight address arise reject arises features highlight addressed rejected While reading
8 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 火车晚点了,做最乐观的估计,我也只能指望明天到家 了。 (at best) 2. 他全心全意地为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。 (regardless of) 3. 这些电脑的价格从 1300 元到 2000 元不等。 (range) He serves the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss. These computers range in price from 1,300 yuan to 2,000 yuan. The train was late and I could only hope to be home tomorrow at best. VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading
1. According to the author, Nan Dongni’s cartoons highlight _____. A. the fragility of online friendships B. the definition of friendship in this era C. the importance of mutual understanding D. the consequence of flat rejection 9 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading
2. According to the Oxford study, regardless of how many friends we have online, the average number of our true friends is about _____. A. twoB. three C. fourD. five 10 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading
3. By quoting C. S. Lewis’ words, the author wants to demonstrate the importance of _____ in making friends. A. chatting with each other face-to-face B. understanding each other C. holding a sincere attitude D. figuring out common interests 11 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading
1. According to the article, why did Nan Dongni’s cartoons become popular lately? 12 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION Because we all understand that true friendship isn’t always easy, which is the subject Nan Dongni’s work addresses. While reading
2. How many suggestions on maintaining friendships did the author offer in the article? What are they? 13 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION Five. They are: physically spending time with them, keeping a balance of giving and taking, holding a sincere attitude, understanding each other and being patient. While reading
When asked the number of friends they could truly depend on in times of crisis, they answered: four. 14 GRAMMAR TIP ☞ 状语从句主谓成分的省略是英语中较普遍的一种 语法现象。在上面这个句子中,从句的主语和主句的 主语一致,从句的谓语动词 (be asked) 包含系动词 be 的某种形式,在这种情况下,从句的主语和 be 动词通 常可以一同省略。 Language study
15 YOUR TURN Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 除非被叫到回答问题,在徐教授的课上,学生们不能说 话。 2. 他打开抽屉,仿佛要找一件什么重要的东西。 3. 即使邀请我去,我都不想听如此糟糕的讲座。 Unless asked to answer questions, students are not allowed to talk in Prof. Xu’s class. Even if invited to, I won’t go to such a terrible lecture. He opened the desk, as if in search of something important. Language study
Apart from the ones the author has mentioned in the article, do you have any other suggestions on maintaining lifelong friendships? Share them with your classmates. Question for further discussion: Well, as an old saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. When it comes to maintaining friendships, I think a very important point is to support each other when things get tough. Learn to listen and help to find solutions; demonstrate to your friend that “I’m always here for you.” 16 After reading HINTS