SMS Based Industrial Automation Using ARM Controller Under the guidance of : Smt Jayanthi.K.Murthy Assistant Professor, PG Studies, Dept of E&C, BMSCE, Bengaluru
Introduction Automation plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and in daily experience. In this day and age of computers, industrial automation is becoming increasingly important in the manufacturing process because computerized or robotic machines are capable of handling repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently.
OVERVIEW ARM processor GSM Architecture AT commands Transactions between GSM and ARM Advantage, Disadvantage and Application Conclusion
PROBLEM OCCURS BEFORE GOING TO THIS PROJECT Availability Critical to Function Fail-Safe Hardware Non-Delayed Response Remote Access Response Hardware
BLOCK DIAGRAM GSM based mobile station GSM modem MAX232 ARM controller relayLoad 1 Darlington amplifiers motor LCD Display
Why we used ARM controller? 32 Bit Microcontroller RISC Pipelining Von Neumann Architecture (Physical Memory up to 4GB) Clock Frequency up to 50MHz It has Two Instructions Set Standard 32 Bit ARM Instructions Set 16 Bit THUMB Instruction Set
LPC2129 SPECIFICATION 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S and 64 pin package. 16 kB on-chip Static RAM. 128/256 kB on-chip Flash Program Memory. 128-bit wide interface for high speed operation. Multiple serial interfaces: Two UARTs (16C550), and Two SPIs Temperature range is -40degree to +85 degree
GSM ARCHITECTURE Network switching subsystem Base station subsystem Network management subsystem
Network switching subsystem Base station subsystem Network management subsystem
AT COMMANDS The "AT" or "at" prefix must be set at the beginning of each command line. When we enter AT and send that command to GSM modem it will give an acknowledgment by sending OK command commandsdescriptions AT+CMGFSELECT SMS MESSAGE FORMAT AT+CMGDDELETE SMS MESSAGE AT+CMGLLIST SMS MESSAGES FROM PREFERRED STORE AT+CMGRREAD SMS MESSAGE AT+CMGSSEND SMS MESSAGE AT+CMGWWRITE SMS MESSAGE TO MEMORY
Components used Transmitter section GSM based Mobile Station Receiver section GSM modem ARM controller Relays Stepper motor LCD displays
DESIGN FLOW Develop a program to LCD display, control the loads and stepper motor Debug the program using keil version3 Load the program into the flash memory through UART0 using LPC2000 flash utility Press reset button then LCD should show the pre-defined message “GSM BASED INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION” Transmitter should send a message in a pre- defined format to a specified receiver in order to control the LEDs and stepper motor GSM modem sends the message to the ARM controller via UART1 ARM controller processes that message and displays it on the LCD through the port0 After displaying the message, it controls the corresponding devices If transmitter sends an undefined message then LCD shows “DEVICES NOT SELECTED” Finally loads get “ON” or “OFF” and stepper motor rotates in clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
Interaction between GSM and ARM MAX232 logic standards Logic 0 +3V to +25V Logic 1 -3V to -25V GSM ModemARM controller MAX 232 DCEDTE
Basic register in UART operation Pin descriptions RegisterDescripsionBit UORBR-receive buffer register The UART0 Receiver Buffer Register contains the oldest received byte in the UART0 Rx FIFO. 7:0 UOTHR-transmit holding register Writing to the UART0 Transmit Holding Register causes the data to be stored in the UART0 transmit FIFO. The byte will be sent when it reaches the bottom of the FIFO and the transmitter is available. 7:0 UODLL-divisor latch LSBThe UART0 Divisor Latch LSB Register, along with the U0DLM register, determines the baud rate of the UART0. 7:0 UODLM-divisor latch MSBThe UART0 Divisor Latch MSB Register, along with the U0DLL register, determines the baud rate of the UART0. 7:0 PinTypeDescription RXD0InputSerial receive data TXD0OutputSerial transmit data
GENERAL PURPOSE INPUT OUTPUT (GPIO) Direction control of individual bits Separate control of output set and clear All I/O default to inputs after reset PORT0 and PORT1 are controlled by two groups of 4 registers such that IOPIN,IODIR,IOSET,IOSET
Interaction between ARM controller and LCD display ARM controllerLCD display GPIO RS R/W’ Enable 8 bit conditionResults RS=1Data register is selected RS=0Command register is selected R/w’=1Read operation R/w’=0Write operation E=H to L pulseLCD gets enable
Interaction between ARM controller and load through relays ARM controller GPIO relay1load1 Power supply relay2load2 Control input
Functional diagram between ARM controller and stepper motor ARM controller GPIO Darlington amplifier Stepper motor 4 bit direction input
Decision making Pre defined words Action Device1_onTurn ON load 1 Device1_offTurn OFF load 1 Device2_onTurn ON load 2 Device2_offTurn OFF load 2 motor_clocStepper motor rotates clockwise direction motor_antiStepper motor rotates anticlockwise direction
ALGORITHMS Received SMS Entry Take action to turn ON load 1 Take action to turn OFF load 1 Take action to turn ON load 2 Take action to turn OFF load 2 Take action to turn ON motor Take action to turn OFF motor Check for next events If received SMS is not matched then display error messages
ADVANTAGE & DISADVANTAGE Advantages: Safety of Control Personnel Access by Multiple Users User Friendly GUI Fast effective & flawless service High reliable and flexibility Reducing cost Disadvantages: If network is busy the delivery of SMS may fail More number of relay ports there will be always a delay in the response time of the system
APPLICATIONS Industrial control Medical systems Access control Point-of-sale Communication gateway Embedded soft modem general purpose applications
CONCLUSION There are many alternatives for controlling devices individually but the proposed system is a multiple device control which really saves the time, energy and cost of the human being more reliable and effective. Future Scope: Feedback can be employed to the transmitter We can prevent the using of unauthorization person Wireless router and hub can be used to enable the connectivity of the Hardware
Thank you