Mathematical Recreations Is it really Math? Math Day Three
Recall the movie … Proof In tables, discuss for a few moments: The mathematics shown in the movie is far beyond the math that most people deal with. Is it still MATH? Compare how you view the MATH of Proof with the Pirahas’ view of the math you use every day.
Mathematical Recreations 24 … use 4 integers once each and +, -, x and ÷ to make postive 24. Puzzles – take them apart put them together (no forcing or breaking); or make one large square with 5 pieces of the puzzle (all 5 must be used) Sheep, planets, planes – lay out the squares so the paterns are correct Flashcards – use your knowledge of math and language to translate the cards Hexaflexagons – make your own and play
So what is math? Are mathematical recreations math? Do you have to be good at “math” to be good at these “puzzles”? What did you notice about the strategies you used for different tasks? Read : The Feeling of Power by Isaac Asimov Will we become the Piraha?