Depression & Suicide
Suicide… Is preventable! Why? Is a permanent solution to a temporary problem – “the only irreversible choice.” Is the result of a person unable to see any other solution(s) to the problems that are consuming him/her. Is seen as a way for a person’s problems to end; suicidal people, however, do not really want to die.
Remember… Suicidal teens are depressed and need help! But how can we recognize this and what do we do?
Your Group… Hand out equal number of cards to everyone (~35 cards) in your group. Read your card(s) to your group members. As a group, discuss what category you think each card’s statement belongs to. Place your card at the correct category.
Categories 1.Facts – General Info 2.Myths/Facts – True or False? 3.Higher Risk – Statistically at HR, often in these groups – NOT ALWAYS 4.Warning Signs – Clues leading up to/before an attempt 5.Verbal Signs – Statements that hint at feelings/intentions
Facts on Suicide Suicide is preventable. When a person is depressed, they are NOT thinking, feeling, or acting the way they normally do. We must get them help. Among young people aged 15-24, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death; this has tripled in recent years. Every day in the U.S., ~14 people between the ages of die from suicide; that's one every 1 hour & 40 minutes. ~4 times as many males as females die by suicide. Firearms, suffocation, and poison are most common methods. (Men & women differ in methods used). Men and elderly more likely to have fatal attempts than are women and youth.
Suicide Myths Teenagers who talk about attempting suicide are doing it for attention. (Not really a myth; these people DO need attention!) All teenagers who are suicidal are depressed. (Mostly True) Suicidal people really want to die, so there's no way to stop them. Talking about suicide will cause a student to attempt suicide. If a person really wants to kill him/herself, no one has the right to stop him/her. Once a person is suicidal, they're suicidal forever. Improvement following a suicidal crisis means the suicide risk is over.
Students who are at Higher Risk Attempted suicide previously, especially if problems not completely resolved Low self-esteem Gets in trouble with the law Suffers from depression Has been abused, molested, or neglected Abuses drugs and/or alcohol Perfectionist Struggles with sexual orientation (LGBT) In dysfunctional families School/Grade troubles
Warning Signs of Suicide A recent suicide in the family or a friend - grieving process and depression can interrupt normal thought processes. Trouble coping with recent losses, death, divorce, moving, break- ups, etc. Experience with a traumatic event - can create feelings of hopelessness and despair. Making final arrangements - writing a will/eulogy, taking care of details (i.e. closing a bank account). Gathering of lethal weapons (purchases weapons, collects pills, etc.). Giving away prized possessions such as clothes, CD's, sports equipment, sentimental things, etc. Preoccupation with death. Sudden changes in personality, attitude, appearance, chemical use, or school behavior.
Verbal Signs of Suicide "I can't go on anymore." "I wish I was never born." "I wish I were dead." "I won't need this anymore." "My parents won't have to worry about me anymore." "Everyone would be better off if I was dead." "Life sucks. Nobody cares if I live or die."
Know When To Get Help When you feel trapped with no way out, or worry all the time Your feelings affect your sleep, eating habits, school work, job performance, or relationships Your family or friends express concern about your behavior You are becoming involved with alcohol or other drugs You are becoming increasingly aggressive, violent, or reckless
Brainstorm How to get help for yourself
Brainstorm: Ways to help a friend who you think is suicidal
Ways to help a friend who you think is suicidal C- Connect (make contact) L- Listen (Take time and pay attention) U- Understand (Let the person know you empathize with his or her feelings, don’t judge them) E- Express Concern (Say that you care and stay with the person. Be direct) S- Seek help (Encourage the person to talk to an adult, and tell an adult yourself)
Ways to help a friend who you think is suicidal Call If danger is immediate.
Brainstorm What can you personally do to lower the amount of people being bullied and harassed?
Coping With Loss Brainstorm with a partner different kinds of loss. A breakup of a relationship Death of a pet, friend, or family member Moved to a new school, town, or country and felt the loss of whatever or whomever you left behind Regular daily activities
The Grieving Process Denial or Numbness- person can’t believe the loss has occurred. This part protects the person from being overwhelmed by his or her emotions. Emotional Releases- these reactions come with recognition of the loss. Involves periods of crying which is an important part of the healing process. Anger- feeling powerless, person may lash out. Sometimes a general resentment toward life sets in.
The Grieving Process Bargaining- As reality of the loss becomes clear, the person my promise to change if only what was lost can be returned. Depression- Beyond the natural feelings of sadness, feelings of isolation, alienation, and hopelessness occur as the person recognizes the extent of the loss. Remorse- The person may become preoccupied with thoughts about what he or she could have done to prevent the loss or make things better.
The Grieving Process Acceptance- This stage can involve a sense of power, allowing the person to face reality in constructive ways and make significant and meaningful gestures surrounding the idea of loss. Hope- Eventually the person reaches a point when remembering becomes less painful and he or she begins to look ahead to the future.
Coping With Loss