Caring for Carers Your Carers Conference 1 March 2016
Angela McNab Welcome
Update Beds / capacity Single Point of Access Mental Health Taskforce Report Contracting Future working together
Beds / capacity Good agreement of need from Commissioners Plan for temporary ward, longer term build (Acute & PICU) Dependant on capital and final contracts
Single Point of Access Launching in April Links with revised work with police Will support primary care and carers
Mental Health Taskforce Report Many themes that are relevant to Kent Key targets to discuss with Commissioners Urgent and acute care critical
Contracting Discussions ongoing Key areas – beds / subacute and extra activity
Future working Conferences will continue! Need to make them a ‘joint agenda / enterprise’ Keep going!!
Pippa Barber
CQC Inspection Inspection took place March 2015 Report issued July 2015 Quality Improvement Plan September 2015 Trust Overall Rating - Requires Improvement Caring overall - Good
Actions we have taken and the difference you will see Care planning We will have introduced a new care plan template by mid March Service User and Carer input Pilot positive person centred feedback Medicines Management Training for staff Monitored closely on wards Checking system for storing and dispensing MHA We are making it clearer for service users when admitted what rights and responsibilities are We have developed a leaflet which is out for consultation
Physical Health Appointed RN to acute wards Increased training on older adult wards Made sure we can get hold of specialists such as diabetic specialist nurse on all acute wards Staffing levels We are introducing therapeutic staffing We are reviewing our establishments Estates We have upgraded our 136 suites at Dartford and Canterbury Access to capital funding remains a challenge
15 steps visits Contact: Service user and carer groups – Trust wide Patient Experience Group Feedback, feedback, feedback! How can you help?
Family Inclusion Project Working to bring about cultural change Nigel Jacobs
Family and couples working party
Individual does not mean isolated
Remit To scope To compare To suggest
Family and Couples Working Open Dialogue Thorn Nurses Admiral Nurses Behavioural Family Therapy Systemic family Therapy Psych educational groups Carers groups Information giving Current working
Scoping feedback Training Supervision Consultation Dedicated staff Possible service gaps
Systemic Family Therapy Consultation Psycho-education General Education Connection and Assessment Greater Complexity Less Quantity Less Complexit y Greater Quantity Pyramid of care
Family Inclusion Project Project lead (12 month secondment) Advisory group Training group
Objective Scope existing resources Develop family inclusion strategy Begin implementation of strategy
Family Inclusive Project-develop, deliver and coordinate TrainingSupervisionConsultationConnectingPromoting Developing income streams/ reducing costs Monitoring/ Evaluation Stakeholder liaison SafeguardingScoping
Training / confidence building Training workshops Locality consultation groups / supervision External training
Think families training programme Working with a full member present (full day) Working with context (1/2 day) Working with behaviour (1/2 day) Working with meaning (1/2 day) Working with trans-generational patterns (1/2 day) Working with couples (full day) Working with carer / psycho-educational groups (1/2 day) Ten minutes with the family (1/2 day) Working with dialogue (1/2 day)
Localities Pan Kent and Medway Specific locality / cross service line integration Service line specific requirements