Merle Abbott Head of SEN and Disability MANAGING HIGH NEEDS SPEND
Task and Finish Group Set up by Schools Forum to identify options for managing demand/spend Time limited – will end in July Options not recommendations Reports to Schools Forum – Headteacher reps report to Partnerships
Options agreed to date One-off reduction in the AWPU for all mainstream schools 1.5% reduction in Special Schools’ budgets 15% reduction in the value of statements in Hounslow mainstream schools
Ongoing Work Review of SEN and Additional Needs elements of Schools funding formula Assessment of different models of funding Statements and Education, Health and Care Plans to identify most robust arrangements Development of Education Support Plan/Programme
Education Support Plan/Programme What is an Education Support Plan? An individual pupil-based funding agreement between the LA and a school Provides an alternative to the Education, Health and Care Plan where no health or care needs Less bureaucratic and time intensive Gives schools more speedy access to funding
Other actions required Increase in-house capacity to reduce reliance on more costly external provision Review thresholds for admission to mainstream, Centre and Special Schools Increase capability and confidence of mainstream schools to provide for broader range of needs Review support available to schools
OfSTED AREA INSPECTION OF SEND New OfSTED Framework due to be published soon Not an Inspection of the LA but the area Inspection of all agencies and partners involved in identifying, assessing and supporting CYP with SEN and Disabilities Will visit schools and talk to CYP and Families Inspections begin in May – rolling 5 year programme