An antecedent is the word or group of words to which a personal pronoun refers or that a personal pronoun replaces. Pronoun and antecedent Agreement
Highlights A pronoun must give accurate and unmistakable reference to the noun or other pronoun it replaces. The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number (singular, plural), gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), and person (first, second, third).
Find antecedent and pronoun JoyJoyce Hing earns her living by giving cultural awareness workshops.
Pronoun as antecedent We need an agenda to know what is expected of us at the workshop.
Steps for determining antecedent agreement Identify the pronoun. Decide to whom or to what this pronoun refers or what it replaces--the antecedent. Identify the person (first, second, third); gender (masculine, feminine, neuter); and number (singular, plural) of the antecedent. Identify the person, gender, and number of the referenced pronoun. Determine if the person, gender, and number are the same for the pronoun and the antecedent. If they are, you have agreement. If they are not the same, you have a correction to make.
Antecedents joined by And New York and New Jersey allow their state employees ten holidays a year. Matthew and Marjorie traveled to Spain as part of their degree programs.
Antecedents joined by Or or Nor David or Ken will translate the document into Chinese at his computer. Unfair hiring practices or prejudices take their toll on workplace diversity.
Fill in the blanks with correct pronoun Neither Teresa nor her assistants were aware of …. negative attitudes. The supervisor or the team managers had to justify …. reasons for requesting bilingual employees. The Gender Equity Committee will announce … new slate of officers next week. The committee were not unanimous in … vote to hire a diversity coordinator.
Fill in the blanks with correct pronoun Hahn Electronics offers unpaid leaves to …workers. Pellini Chevrolet allows … employees to choose among several different benefit packages. Everybody at our workplace can donate …sick leave to other employees. Either of the two men can approve overtime for …supervisor.