Killean Primary School Survey on Pastoral Care Provision Sept. 09 – June 10
Questionnaire In order to assess the provision of Pastoral Care within our school we designed 3 questionnaires, one for each of the following stakeholders: Children Parents Staff
Policies & Procedures We wanted to know how aware all interested parties were in regard to our policies and procedures. We listed our pastoral care policies and the results showed the overwhelming majority of parents and staff were aware of policy content and where they could obtain copies if so desired.
Designated Teachers Our Designated Teachers are: Miss Goss : Designated Teacher Mrs Lambe : Deputy Designated Teacher
Contribution of Policies and Procedures to Children’s School Experience Staff and parents were asked if they felt that the policies and procedures in place enhanced the experience of the children while they were at school. Again the overwhelming response was positive with agreement that the child’s self esteem was raised through the implementation of these policies.
Recognition of Children’s Achievements Overall 98% of parental respondents said they knew of and agreed with our system of rewards and recognition of children’s achievements. We have a wide range of methods for acknowledging children’s achievement and we believe the systems we have in place allow the children to celebrate their successes often.
Rewards Pupil of the Month Golden Class Award Golden Play Award Merits Stars Stickers Homework Vouchers Praise from teacher / Classroom assistant / Principal Extra play Golden Table Bronze / Silver / Gold Awards
Finally! We would like to thank everyone who took the time to reply to our questionnaire and to all respondents who gave additional suggestions and positive comments.
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