WARM UP 1.List the steps of the scientific method. 2.Write one sentence about whether theories or laws are better, and why.
Measurement Notes Chem II
International System (SI) Basic Units –Length: meter (m) –Mass: gram/kilogram (g/kg) –Time: second (s) –Volume (liquid): liter (L) –Energy: joule (J) –Amount: mole (mol)
International System (SI) Derived Units –Temp: Kelvin (K) K = C° –Area:m 2 –Volume: m 3 –Density: g/cm 3
Metric Prefixes Kilo- (1000x) (km) (nm) Nano- ( ) (dm) Deci- (.1) (cm) Centi- (.01) (mm) Milli- (.001) (µm) Micro- ( ) Base Unit (1)
Precision vs. Accuracy
Significant Figures Display precision Always measure to 1 more decimal place than the instrument is marked for
Significant Figures
WRAP UP 1.Compare and contrast precision and accuracy. 2.Convert 2.6 mL to kL.