Welcome to Physics 229! No lab this week Lab next week: 1. The Winter Sky Test 1: Wednesday, 2/12. Homework, due Wednesday, 1/29*: – Bennett, et al., Chapter 1. Problems 44, 45, 46, 47, 58, 59 (2-3 paragraphs). *typically I’ll grade 3 of these Please type word answers, you can handwrite calculations.
Metric Units Mass – kilogram Force – Newton Energy – Joule Length – meter Time - second
Metric Prefixes PrefixSymbolPower of Ten yocto-y femto-f pico-p nano-n10 -9 micro-μ10 -6 milli-m kilo-k10 3 mega-M10 6 giga-G10 9 tera-T10 12 peta-P10 15 yotta-Y10 24
Other units Light year – × m Parsec – 3.26 light years
A voyage to very large and very small
Compressing the “very large” into a meaningful scale The Eau Claire Planet Walk – 1.1 miles = distance from Sun to Pluto, scale = 3.4 billion:1 The Cosmic Calendar – 1 year = time since the Big Bang (13.7 billion years) –