Ch. 2 - Matter Properties & Changes in Matter Extensive vs. Intensive Physical vs. Chemical
A. Extensive vs. Intensive Extensive Property depends on the amount of matter present Intensive Property depends on the identity of substance, not the amount
A. Extensive vs. Intensive Examples: boiling point volume mass density conductivity intensive extensive intensive
B. Physical vs. Chemical Physical Property can be observed without changing the identity of the substance Chemical Property Chemical Property describes the ability of a substance to undergo changes in identity
B. Physical vs. Chemical Examples: melting point flammable density magnetic tarnishes in air physical chemical physical chemical
B. Physical vs. Chemical Physical Change changes the form of a substance without changing its identity properties remain the same Chemical Change changes the identity of a substance products have different properties
B. Physical vs. Chemical Signs of a Chemical Change change in color or odor formation of a gas formation of a precipitate (solid) change in light or heat
B. Physical vs. Chemical Examples: rusting iron dissolving in water burning a log melting ice grinding spices chemical physical chemical physical
C. Matter Law of Conservation of Matter Antoine Lavoisier (1700’s) Like energy, matter is neither created or destroyed in any process –For example, a burning candle burning fire wood (products are gases and ashes) – mass before = mass after
C. Matter Law of Definite Composition A given compound always contains the same, fixed ratio of elements. H 2 O is not H 2 O 2 Law of Multiple Proportions Elements can combine in different ratios to form different compounds. Chem/phys HO
A. Matter Flowchart MATTER Can it be physically separated? Homogeneous Mixture (solution) Heterogeneous MixtureCompoundElement MIXTUREPURE SUBSTANCE yesno Can it be chemically decomposed? noyes Is the composition uniform? noyes ColloidsSuspensions
B. Pure Substances Element composed of identical atoms can’t be separated by physical or chemical means EX: copper wire, aluminum foil
B. Pure Substances Compound composed of 2 or more elements in a fixed ratio properties differ from those of individual elements EX: table salt (NaCl) Water ( H 2 O)
C. Mixtures Solution homogeneous very small particles no Tyndall effect Tyndall Effect particles don’t settle EX: rubbing alcohol sugar water
C. Mixtures Colloid heterogeneous medium-sized particles Tyndall effect particles don’t settle EX: milk
C. Mixtures Suspension heterogeneous large particles Tyndall effect particles settle EX:fresh-squeezed lemonade
D. Examples Examples: graphite pepper sugar (sucrose) paint soda element hetero. mixture compound Suspension (hetero) Solution (homog.)
D. Examples of Mixtures Examples: mayonnaise muddy water fog saltwater Italian salad dressing colloid suspension colloid solution suspension
Define and Explain these methods of Separation in your notes - Filtration – Magnetism – Crystallization – Chromatography – Distillation – Electrolysis- Decanting- Centrifuge- Evaporation-
A. Energy Energy – the capacity to do work or produce heat. Work is the capacity to move an object over a distance against a force; Two Kinds: Kinetic – energy of motion (waves, molecules, objects) Potential – stored energy or energy of position in the chemical bonds
A. Energy Forms of energy: 1.Kinetic energy: Electrical Radiant Thermal Motion Sound 2. Potential energy Chemical Stored mechanical Nuclear Gravitational
A. Energy Law of Conservation of Energy: energy is neither created nor destroyed When we use energy, it doesn’t disappear It can be changed from one form to another: 1).A car burns gasoline, converting the chemical energy into mechanical energy 2). Solar cells change radiant energy into electrical energy
B Temperature Heat or thermal energy, is the total random kinetic energy of the particles. Heat flows from a hot object to a cold object. For example: can of soda Temperature – measure of the average random kinetic energy of the particles. Temperature – measure of the average random kinetic energy of the particles.
B Temperature SI unit of temp: Kelvin (K) The zero point on the Kelvin scale is called absolute zero (the point at which the motion of particles ceases). 0 K = o C ( no degree symbol and no negative numbers on the Kelvin scale because there is no negative motion! )
B Temperature Formulas: o C = K – 273 or K = o C Examples: 1.Antifreeze boils at 197 o C. Convert to Kelvin. 2.Normal body temp is 310 K. Convert to Celsius K o C
C Energy Units SI unit of energy: joule (J) calorie (cal) : another unit of energy 1 cal = amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water, 1 o C.
C Energy Units 1 cal does not equal 1 Cal ! Calorie (capital C) is the energy stored in food! 1 Cal = 1000 cal So 200 Cal supplies 200,000 cal of energy! Conversion factors: 1 cal = J 1 Cal = KJ
C Energy Units Using dimensional analysis or moving your decimal: 3. Convert 540 cal to KJ
D Metric prefixes 4. Convert 598 g to pg. 5. Convert 598 pg to Gg.