FFT Data Analysis Project Who wants to be in the top 1 percent?
FFT Data Analysis Project 99 C D A B pupils entitled to Free School Meals are in the top 5% of attainers at KS1. How many are still in the top 5% at the end of KS3?
FFT Data Analysis Project 99 C pupils entitled to Free School Meals are in the top 5% of attainers at KS1. How many are still in the top 5% at the end of KS3?
FFT Data Analysis Project 95 C D A 40%32% B 50%60% On average, 32% of pupils with Level 3 in Maths at KS2 attain Level 5 at KS3. For pupils who just miss Level 4 (at KS2) by 1 mark the figure is?
FFT Data Analysis Project 95 D 60% On average, 32% of pupils with Level 3 in Maths at KS2 attain Level 5 at KS3. For pupils who just miss Level 4 (at KS2) by 1 mark the figure is?
FFT Data Analysis Project 90 C D A 25%0% B 50%75% 100 pupils have an ESTIMATED KS3 level of 4.99 – of these, what proportion are likely to achieve Level 5 or higher?
FFT Data Analysis Project pupils have an ESTIMATED KS3 level of 4.99 – of these, what proportion are likely to achieve Level 5 or higher? B 50%
FFT Data Analysis Project 80 C D A 25%15% B 35%5% What percentage of pupils with SEN Statements and Reading Level 2C progress to KS2 English Level 4+?
FFT Data Analysis Project 80 B 35% What percentage of pupils with SEN Statements and Reading Level 2C progress to KS2 English Level 4+?
FFT Data Analysis Project 70 C D A An estimateA target B A guessDaft Calculating what you would expect a group of pupils to achieve, based upon the progress of similar pupils last year, is ?
FFT Data Analysis Project 70 C An estimate Calculating what you would expect a group of pupils to achieve, based upon the progress of similar pupils last year, is ?
FFT Data Analysis Project 60 C D A RepetitionRegurgitation B ReplicationRegression A statistical method often used in value- added calculations is called?
FFT Data Analysis Project 60 D Regression A statistical method often used in value- added calculations is called?
FFT Data Analysis Project 50 C D A InfantileMercantile B PercentilePrehensile A score converted to a scale of 1 to 100 is called?
FFT Data Analysis Project 50 B Percentile A score converted to a scale of 1 to 100 is called?
FFT Data Analysis Project 40 C D A A residualA result B The restA respite The difference between actual and expected attainment is called ?
FFT Data Analysis Project 40 C A residual The difference between actual and expected attainment is called ?
FFT Data Analysis Project 30 Data which aims to provide a measure of the socio-economic context of an area is called? C D A GeometricGeodemographic B GeodesicGeopolitical
FFT Data Analysis Project 30 Data which aims to provide a measure of the socio-economic context of an area is called? A Geodemographic
FFT Data Analysis Project 20 C D A Get worseStay the same B ImproveNot fit a pattern When the average attainment of the intake to schools drops, their value-added tends to:
FFT Data Analysis Project 20 When the average attainment of the intake to schools drops, their value- added tends to: B Improve
FFT Data Analysis Project 10 C D A 5%2% B 10%20% On average, 32% of pupils with Level 3 in Maths at KS2 attain Level 5 at KS3. For pupils who just get Level 3 (at KS2) the figure is?
FFT Data Analysis Project 10 A 2% On average, 32% of pupils with Level 3 in Maths at KS2 attain Level 5 at KS3. For pupils who just get Level 3 (at KS2) the figure is?
FFT Data Analysis Project 5 C D A Upper ReachesSwineshire B Dead End Middle Earth The table shows each schools value-added rank over 3 years. Which of these schools has improved the most? School Swineshire Upper Reaches1051 Dead End Middle Earth805020
FFT Data Analysis Project 5 B Dead End The table shows each schools value-added rank over 3 years. Which of these schools has improved the most? School Swineshire Upper Reaches1051 Dead End Middle Earth805020
FFT Data Analysis Project Percentile Ranks 80+ High rate of change 1-20 High rate of change Low rate of change
FFT Data Analysis Project Significant Changes Significant Change Change of Significant State Value-added significantly above Value-added broadly in-line with other schools Value-added significantly below Yr1Yr1 Yr2Yr2 Value-added significantly above Value-added broadly in-line with other schools Value-added significantly below Yr1Yr1 Yr2Yr2 Significant Change Change of Significant State
FFT Data Analysis Project 1 C D A 55%45% B 65%75% On average, 65% of pupils with level 4 in each subject (APS=27) at KS2 attain 5 or more A*C passes at KS4. What is the %5AC for those with level 3 in English, 4 in Maths and 5 in Science (APS = 27).
FFT Data Analysis Project 1 A 45% On average, 65% of pupils with level 4 in each subject (APS=27) at KS2 attain 5 or more A*C passes at KS4. What is the %5AC for those with level 3 in English, 4 in Maths and 5 in Science (APS = 27).
FFT Data Analysis Project Impact of Variation between Subjects Source Data - KS2 to KS4 over 3 years …’similar’ pupils – KS2 APS=27 Pupils with ‘uneven’ patterns of prior-attainment are relatively small in number – but the progress made by such pupils can differ widely from others with the same ‘overall’ prior attainment scores. Within the ‘444’ group variations can be found in terms of pupils attainment within the level (derived from test marks). Value Added models, particularly when used to provide estimates, need to take into account variation between subjects as well as overall attainment.