Geography of the “Gunpowder” Empires
The Expansion of the Ottoman Empire Conquer Constantinople Byzantine Capital Use canons to penetrate walls of the city Rename city Istanbul Conquests continue for 200 years Ottoman Geography: Balkan Peninsula Asia Minor North Africa
Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566 Responsible for extending Ottoman rule to its peak Claimed to be the Caliph of all Muslims & “Protector of Sacred Places” Ruled with absolute authority Advised by grand viziers & a council
Ottoman Social Structure & Government Ottoman Government Based on Sharia (Muslim Law) Supplemented by Royal Edicts Government Officials & Religious scholars interpret/apply law Bureaucracy = supervised government Military = kept peace *Janizaries* Men of the Sword/Men of the Pen Men of Negotiation Men of Husbandry
The Safavid Empire Modern Day Iran (Persia) Shiite Muslims Safavid King = “Shah” Located between 2 expansionist empires Mughals to East (India) Ottomans to West Ottomans are Sunni View Safavids as heretics Isfahan = capital city