Nationalism During this time the idea of nationalism, or a sense of pride of your country and fellow countrymen became more common. This helped add to the competitive hunt for colonizing larger parts of Africa.
Malaria Disease caused by one-celled organisms called plasmodia Plasmodia is transmitted by mosquitoes Symptoms of Malaria – fever, headache, nausea, and muscular pain Why might Africa have lots of mosquitoes there?
Quinine Originally made from the bark of the cinchona tree It is a medicine used to cure Malaria Although there are alternatives today for this medicine, some resistances have appeared, so it is commonly still prescribed today.
Bessemer Process Method of blowing air through molten iron to rid of impurities Used to make steel FASTER and CHEAPER Helped to increase the steel industry around the world
Maxim Gun First machine gun Created based on the invention of smokeless gunpowder Helped with recoil and kept gun cooler
Questions and Answers During which century was most of the technology in this chart invented? What technological advancement cured a tropical disease? Which of the technological developments gave European armies and advantage over African armies? Mostly during the 1800s, so the 19th century Discovery of method of retrieving quinine maxim gun and repeating rifle.
Questions and Answers Which of the inventions do you think would have been the most important for spreading European influence in Africa? How could this document be used to explain the primary cause of European imperialism in Africa? Opinions may vary This proves that be more technologically advanced gives a stronger advantage.
Questions and Answers Are technological factors more of a primary cause of European imperialism in Africa than political reasons or national pride? Opinions may vary. However all three of these are factors and are interdependent on each other. Without the technological advances they may not have been able to take control.