Human Reproductive System Journal Why is it important to know and use the correct terminology of our bodies and its functions?
Female Reproduction Cervix Neck or opening to the uterus. Strongest muscle in the body. Corpus Luteum Enlarged follicle Secretes hormones D&C Dialation and Curetage Uterus is dialated and scraped. Dysmenorrhea Painful and disfunctioning period. Endomenorrhea Lining of the uterus. Estrogen Female hormone. Fallopian tubes Two tubes which connect the ovaries to the uterus and carry the egg to the uterus. Fertilization The sperm penetrates the egg and a zygote is formed. Hysterectomy Surgical removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries.
Female Reproduction Menstruation Period, uterine bleeding Shedding of the endometrium Mons Pubis Mound of fatty tissue which covers the pubic bone. Ova Egg Ovaries Egg-shaped Produces female hormones Stores and releases ovum. Ovulation When an egg is released from ovary and moves down the fallopian tube. Pudendum (pubis) Area where the sex organs are located. Progesterone Female hormone from corpus luteum. Tubal ligation Oviducts are tied and cut to prevent fertilization. Uterus A hollow, muscular organ that protects and nourishes the fetus. Vagina Empty passageway leading from the vaginal opening to the uterus. Vulva The general term for all the external female sex organs.
The most familiar female reproductive organs.
Male Reproduction CCircumcision SSurgical removal of the flap of skin that covers the head of the penis. CCowper’s glands TTwo glands by prostate that secrete a fluid that neutralizes acidity. EEjaculation PPassage of sperm and semen from the penis. EEpididymis CCord-like structure in back of testes. IImpotence FFailure to get or maintain an erection. NNocturnal emissions WWet dreams AA normal ejaculation of semen while sleeping. PPenis TThe organ for reproduction and urination. PProstate gland SSecretes an alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidity.
Scrotum Sacs that regulate temperature for sperm production. Semen A combination of sperm and fluid. Seminal Vesicles Secretes a fluid that nourishes and enables sperm to move. Sperm Male sex cell produced by testicles. Testicles Organs in the scrotum that produce sperm and testosterone. Vas Deferens Two long tubes that are a passageway and storage place for sperm. Vasectomy The vas deferens is cut to prevent sperm fertilization.
The reproductive anatomy of the male human is largely external. The male gonads, called testes, hang in a sac of skin called the scrotum. The testes produce sperm, which cannot survive long at body temperature. Sperm leave the body in semen, a fluid produced by the seminal vesicles. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2002.
Infertility o Low Sperm Count o Less than normal amount of sperm. o Viability of Sperm o Health of sperm o Lifespan o Ductal Obstruction o Duct causes obstruction preventing fertilization. o Varicocele o Enlargement of veins by vas deferns. o Undescended Testes o Testicles didn’t drop into scrotum. o Retrograde Ejaculation o Ejaculation goes backwards. o Semen too Viscous o Too thick o Not enough fluid o Elevated Scrotum Temperature o Temperature in scrotum is too hot and hills the sperm.
Infertility o Anti-Sperm Antibodies o Body produces antibodies that fight off sperm. o Abnormal Ovulation o Ovulation doesn’t occur on regular cycle. o Endometriosis o Bacterial infection of uterine lining. o Abnormal Tubes o Makes fertilization difficult. o Ovum Problems o Deformed eggs or imperfectly developed. o Spasms of Vagina o Interferes with intercourse. o Ph Content of Vagina o Might not allow fertilization.
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