Regulates long-term changes in the body such as growth and development. Controls many of your body’s daily activities Endocrine glands produces and releases chemical substances that signal changes in the other parts of the body Hormone: chemical substance produced by a gland- acts as a chemical messenger to target an area of the body for change Puberty: Period of sexual development during which a person becomes sexually mature (hair, voice changes, period, sex hormone production)
Testes: Male reproductive glands, produce sperm and testosterone Scrotum: Hold the testes, hang away from the body since sperm need a cooler temperature to develop Penis: External sexual organ by which sperm and urine leave the body Foreskin: Skin covering over the penis, removed at birth in some cases
Semen: Mixture of sperm cells and fluid is called Sperm: Male reproductive cell Ejaculation: the ejection of semen from the penis Nocturnal emission: Ejaculation during sleep, known as a “wet dream” Ways to stay healthy: Staying clean, abstinence, protection from trauma
Ova: Female reproductive cell, Eggs Ovaries: Produce ova and the female sex hormones of progesterone and estrogen Estrogen: Controls the maturation of eggs, physical development of female body Progesterone: Activates changes to a woman’s body before and during pregnancy Ovulation: When an egg is released from the ovaries
Vagina: the birth canal, hollow muscular passage, Female reproductive organ Uterus: Pear shaped organ where a fertilized egg develops and grows Cervix: The opening to the uterus Menstrual cycle: The process of releasing a mature egg, the egg traveling to the uterus, and the uterine lining shed (monthly cycle) Menopause: around the age of 50, ovaries slow hormone production and no longer release eggs
Fallopian tubes: passageways that carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus Premenstrual syndrome: “PMS”- may cause nervous tension, mood swings, headaches, bloating, and irritability Staying healthy: Cleanliness, abstinence, self exams, medical checkups Feminine hygiene sprays, douches, and deodorant tampons are not necessary but may actually be harmful (increase risk of infections or cause irritation) douching-helpful-or-harmful douching-helpful-or-harmful