(21 October 2015) Neil Holdsworth, ICES EMODnet Chemistry II ( ) EMODnet-MSFD Cooperation process
BACKGROUND: and the tools they have... DG-MARE (Maritime Affairs) Data Collection Framework (DCF) and DC-MAP Marine Knowledge 2020 EMODNET DG-ENV (Environment) & EEA Water and Marine Framework Directive (WFD/MSFD) Habitats, Bathing water etc. Directives INSPIRE (Public body spatial data) WISE and WISE-Marine
“greed, for lack of a better word, is good” Gordon Gekko, Wall Street, 1987
Ecosystem understanding is greedy
Data –> Information flow for MSFD (coordinated) Monitoring Data provision Ingestion Data assembly (products) Indicator provision Assessment product(s) datainformationknowledge [National] and [Regional bodies] Regional Conventions and EEA [EMODnet] and [Regional Systems]
a web-based portal for sharing information to the marine community on the marine environment WISE-M WISE Marine
Data (EEA) Data products (information shown) Indicators Assessment tools Data services (e.g. EMODNET) Reference layers and MSFD maps MS reported data (inputs to WISE-M) MSFD Art 8, 9 and 10 MSFD Art 13 MSFD Art 11 MSFD Art 19.3 (RSC data?) WISE SOE (TCM) WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) State of the marine environment (EEA) Policy (ENV)Data (EEA) JRC competence center (JRC)
MIS 1: DPSIR RESPONSES Ecosystem Services State Pressures Human Activities Drivers Indicators are the connector between evidence and status MIS 2: Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Programme of measures Evaluation of measures Reporting Art 13: Management GES Objectives Temporal and Spatial Scope Targets Arts 9 & 10: Scoping and Targets Art 7: Competent Authorities Art 8 Initial Assessment Indicators Methodology etc Monitoring network Monitoring methods/guidelines Art 11: Monitoring Programme MIS 3: Evidence base Art 19.3 Data underpinning Art. 8 and 11 Datasets Station Area Timeseries Sample method QC information Vocabs Station Species/Habitats Parameters Units etc. QC flags Data assembly Methodology Spatial units
MSFD key interactions (2014/2015) Sept ’14 EMODnet – MSFD interaction meeting DGMARE, DGENV, EEA, 2 member states, OSPAR and HELCOM, EMODnet Bio, Chem and Sec Feb ’15 EMODnet – MSFD interaction meeting Appropriate information in the metadata to identify chemistry data suitable for inclusion in MSFD reporting based on QA and QC procedures
RSC Indicators WGDIKE paper DIKE_
RSC Indicators as of June regional indicators -28 equate to D5 Eutrophication -47 equate to D8ish Contaminants -Operational status unknown for most -Most are under development, developed but not adopted or no information
Indicators elements HELCOM and OSPAR indicator specifications should identify the appropriate metadata needed
Indicators elements Common core (draft) WGDIKE paper DIKE_ EEAHELCOMOSPAR
“The most valuable commodity I know of is information” Gordon Gekko, Wall Street, 1987