이삭의 믿음 Isaac’s Faith 창세기 Genesis 26:22
Today’s story is about Isaac’s faith. Isaac’s faith is amazing. Through Isaac’s story, I hope you learn what faith really is.
1/3 믿음으로 자리를 지키라. By Faith, Keep Your Position. There was a famine when Isaac lived in Canaan.
창세기 Genesis 26:1 일찍이 아브라함 때에 그 땅에 흉 년이 든 적이 있는데, 이삭 때에도 그 땅에 흉년이 들어서, 이삭이 그 랄의 블레셋 왕 아비멜렉에게로 갔 다. 아멘. Now there was a famine in the land-- besides the earlier famine of Abraham's time--and Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines in Gerar. Amen.
Abraham, Isaac’s father, also experienced famine when he lived in Canaan. Abraham went to Egypt to get some food. Abraham should have stayed in Canaan, the Promised Land. Isaac also experienced a famine, just like his father. What should Isaac have done?
창세기 Genesis 26:6 그래서 이삭은 그랄에 그대로 머물 러 있었다. 아멘. So Isaac stayed in Gerar. Amen. Isaac did not go to Egypt unlike his father. Isaac stayed at the Promised Land. He obeyed God’s command.
창세기 Genesis 26:7 그 곳 사람들이 이삭의 아내를 보고서, 그 에게 물었다. " 그 여인이 누구요 ?" 이삭이 대답하였다. " 그는 나의 누이요." 이삭은 " 그는 나의 아내요 " 하고 말하기가 무서웠 다. 이삭은, 리브가가 예쁜 여자이므로, 그 곳 사람들이 리브가를 빼앗으려고 자기를 죽일지도 모른다고 생각하였기 때문이다. 아멘. When the men of that place asked him about his wife, he said, "She is my sister," because he was afraid to say, "She is my wife." He thought, “The men of this place might kill me on account of Rebekah, because she is beautiful.” Amen.
Like father, like son, Isaac made the same mistake as his father had done. To save his life, Isaac lied to the people saying that Rebekah was his sister. What might have happened to Isaac?
창세기 Genesis 26:12 이삭이 그 땅에서 농사를 지어서, 그 해에 백 배의 수확을 거두어들 였다. 주님께서 그에게 복을 주셨 기 때문이다. 아멘. Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him. Amen.
Isaac did something almost impossible. There was a famine and when Isaac grew crops he reaped a hundredfold. And to top that, he was not even a farmer but a shepherd. Previously, he made a mistake saying that Rebekah was his sister. Is this something to be blessed? Isaac was blessed because he kept his place in Canaan. You must keep your place to be blessed.
There were two soldiers out on duty and they saw a ghost. They saw the ghost waving back and forth. One soldier ran away screaming while the other kept their place. He started shooting at the ghost, exactly thirty bullets. There was no use shooting at it. He fainted after shooting. The next day, everyone knew about the story. It turned out that the ghost wasn’t actually a ghost; it was a big plastic bag and a tree. The soldier who shot at the plastic bag was rewarded with a vacation, while the other went to jail. You must keep your place to be blessed.
2/3 믿음으로 양보하라. By Faith, Yield to Others. Before the success in growing crops, the natives pitied over Isaac because they thought that he was a stranger. After Isaac’s success in growing crops, the natives were jealous. The natives bullied Isaac. They filled his wells up with dirt. Do you ever feel bullied like Isaac in America?
창세기 Genesis 26:15 그래서 그들은 이삭의 아버지 아브 라함 때에 아브라함의 종들이 판 모든 우물을 막고, 흙으로 메워 버 렸다. 아멘. So all the wells that his father's servants had dug in the time of his father Abraham, the Philistines stopped up, filling them with earth. Amen.
권율 Kwon Yul Yul Kwon is an American television host and former government official, lawyer, and management consultant based in Virginia. He first gained national recognition as the winner of the reality TV show Survivor: Cook Islands in He had a severe lisp as a kid, so many people assumed he was a foreigner who could not speak English properly. Kwon says he grew increasingly quiet to avoid being teased or beaten up. When asked why he agreed to go on the show, he cited his desire to provide a positive role model for his community, and the lack of representation by Asian Americans on television.
창세기 Genesis 26:20~22 샘이 터지는 바람에, 그랄 지방 목자 들이 그 샘줄기를 자기들의 것이라고 주장하면서, 이삭의 목자들과 다투었 다. 우물을 두고서 다투었다고 해서, 이삭은 이 우물을 ㉠에섹이라고 불렀 다. / ㉠ ' 다툼 ' But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen and said, "The water is ours!" So he named the well Esek, because they disputed with him.
이삭의 종들이 또 다른 우물을 팠는데, 그랄 지방 목자들이 또 시비를 걸었다. 그래서 이삭은 그 우물 이름을 ㉡싯나 라고 하였다. 이삭이 거기에서 옮겨서, 또 다른 우물을 팠는데, / ㉡ ' 반대 ' Then they dug another well, but they quarreled over that one also; so he named it Sitnah. He moved on from there
그 때에는 아무도 시비를 걸지 않았다. 그래서 그는 " 이제 주님께서 우리가 살 곳을 넓히셨으니, 여기에서 우리가 번 성하게 되었다 " 하면서, 그 우물 이름 을 ㉢르호봇이라고 하였다. 아멘./ ㉢ ' 넓은 곳 ' and dug another well, and no one quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, saying, "Now the LORD has given us room and we will flourish in the land.“ Amen.
The natives did this three times. Isaac had to dig wells five times. But Isaac did not fight or argue with the natives. He yielded every time. He was a yielding man. To yield, you must believe in God. If this was the last well, how could Isaac yield it to others? Isaac believed in God that he would be able to find another well.
We are in Lent. We are fasting and saving money to help the homeless. It is almost like us giving our food to the homeless. We are able to yield our food because we believe in God. We know that God will provide with more. I hope you are a person who is able to yield by faith.
3/3 믿음으로 감사하라. By Faith, Give Thanks to God and to Others.
Rotten Apple and the Wife There is a fairy tale about rotten apples and a farmer’s wife. A poor farmer exchanged his horse for a cow, then the cow for a goat, his goat for a goose, a chicken for his goose, and finally exchanged the goose for a bag of rotten apples to use as fertilizer. He went to a restaurant to eat and told his story. A rich man said that he would give a packet of gold coins if his wife didn’t get angry. He went home and told his wife the story and about the apples. The wife was a warm-hearted wife, and smiled happily at the apples. The rich man gave a packet of gold coins and the farmer became very rich.
What kind of place do you think Rehoboth was? Rehoboth means “large area”. Rehoboth was next to Beersheba. Beersheba was a desert. This means that Rehoboth was a wide, big area, but however was useless land. It was a place that the natives wouldn’t even bother going.
BeershebaRehoboth Sitnah Esek Gerar Valley Gerar
Rehoboth was the rotten apples from the fairy tale. Isaac thought positively about Rehoboth. It was useless land but Isaac thanked God for whatever he had. He named this place “large area”. Thanks to the well, it became useful land. Even when you are feeling unfair, have Rehoboth’s faith. Thank God and think positively then God will change Rehoboth as blessed land.