SITS Progression Refresher 17 th May 2016
Topics The key background data Creating SPI records and running progression Processing awards Overview of the Process Exam Board report Agreeing Exam Board decisions Releasing results to students Using the Progression Data Troubleshooting and guidance Troubleshooting
Overview of the SITS Process Throughout the academic year Marks entered in SAS and agreed Remember to use assessment grades EX and NX for ECs and module grades EX (sept deferrals), FW (repeat) and FX (defer) Pre- Exam Board Exam Board Code set in MAP and SPI records created in CSP Progression run in CSP to create actual decision (and SAW, if applicable) Produce new Exam Board report Post-Exam Board Make any changes to SMR data Calculate progression again, if necessary Agree progression decisions in CSP Release results
Key background data Progression in CSP SPR Batch codes Progression rules for each programme Agreed module data Student status
SPR Batch Codes 1 – Stage 1 2 – Stage 2 etc. (UG) Stage by stage 1R – Stage 1 referral 2R – Stage 2 referral etc. (UG) Referral 1J – Stage 1 jeopardy 2J – Stage 2 jeopardy TFJ – Taught stage jeopardy (UG/PG) Jeopardy TF – Full time student TP – Part time student (PGT) Taught stage of programme RF – Full time student RP – Part time student (PGT) Referral only DF – Full time student DP – Part time student DTF – Full time student trailing up to 30 credits DTP – Part time student trailing up to 30 credits (PGT) Dissertation stage of programme
Progression Profiles (UG) Set by course in CBO UG_STAN 600/480/360 credit awards 120 credits per stage Incorporates Ordinary Degrees UG_FD 240 credit awards 120 credits per stage UG_FLEX Up to 120 credits in total UG_CERT One stage of 120 credits
Progression Profiles (PG) Set by course in CBO T120_D60_180 General Regulations 120 credits taught 60 credits dissertation T100_D80_ credits taught 80 credits dissertation T60_60 60 credits taught T120_ credits taught T120_OPT_T credits taught Optional additional 60 T90_D90_ credits taught but only 90 completed before dissertation 80 credits dissertation PG_FLEX Up to 120 credits in total
Setting an Exam Board code On the staff homepage is a link to ‘Set Exam Board Code’ in the Exam Board Actions container. A code should be set before creating SPI records.
Pre-Exam Board Demonstration of using CSP and Calculating Progression Setting an Exam Board Code Using the CSP toolbar to access SPI Generating SPIs Processing progression Checking the outcomes
The CSP Toolbar SPI Progression Confirmation
The SPI (Student Progress Info) Record Accessed via SPI directly, CSP or SPR-Other-Award-Progress Snapshot of student details at the time of creation Current batch as stored in SPR at the time of creation Process status, actual PIT and Agreed PIT Minutes and internal notes for student related progression information
SAW records Created automatically for actual decisions ‘AWARD’, ‘LESS_AWARD’, ‘UG_EB_UC_A’, ‘JEOPARDY’, ‘WITHDRAW’ and ‘UG_EB_W/PO/L’ Award calculations will use new credit block borderline criteria in the form of upgrade rules Make sure PAW records are present and ranked correctly The Exam Board report will indicate students that have been promoted with a *Promoted* See page 12 of the guide for details of the upgrade rules and the message buffer For students promoted using old borderline criteria, agree the classification when agreeing the SAW records via CSP
Progression Decisions (PIT codes) (UG) Stored as both an actual and agreed in SPI Decisions that can be confirmed Refer/Defer only Fail and repeat (with transfer variant) Fail and restart (with transfer variant) Award / Lesser Award – SAW record created with status C. SCE status to update to AWD-N. Successful Completion Proceed to next stage (with transfer variant) Proceed to next stage trailing modules(with transfer variant) Proceed to next stage and return to Honours Proceed to next stage but transfer to Ordinary In Jeopardy (PROV) / Withdraw – SCE status to update to W. LOA / Dormant Decisions that cannot be confirmed Exam Board to make decision - Condonement – Award – SAW record created with status C. Exam Board to make decision - Condonement – Referral Exam Board to make decision – Withdraw/Lesser Award Exam Board to make decision - General
Progression Decisions (PIT codes) (PG) Stored as both an actual and agreed in SPI Decisions that can be confirmed Proceed to Dissertation Proceed to Dissertation – Trailing Refer only Continue Taught Refer and continue Continue in Referral Award / Lesser Award – SAW record created with status C. SCE status to update to AWD-N. Dissertation to be resubmitted Continue with Dissertation In Jeopardy (PROV) / Withdraw – SCE status to update to W. LOA / Dormant Decisions that cannot be confirmed Exam Board to make decision - Condonement – Trail Exam Board to make decision - Condonement – Refer Exam Board to make decision – Withdraw/Lesser Award Exam Board to make decision - General
Pre-Exam Board Demonstration of running the Exam Board report Latest report located in Infoview folder Students – Exam Boards Titled ‘(EXB) UG Exam Board Report - v1.2’ and ‘(EXB) PG Exam Board Report – v1’ Prompted for year (current), course and Exam Board code Order by decision, mark, name or start date Save as a PDF and print whichever pages required
Post-Exam Board Demonstration of Confirming Exam Board Decisions Changing module data i.e. condonement Using the CSP toolbar to agree decisions (PIT codes) Issues around ‘next’ data Agreeing SAW records How other student records are affected
Post-Exam Board Releasing results in MAP via 4 new SRLs ‘PREVIEW-TS’ ’PREVIEW- ATS’ ‘PREVIEW- RES’ Ran in SPI and allows you to preview the Module Transcripts, Assessment Transcripts or Decision Text in your web browser. Note any errors and correct the module/progression data. ‘RELEASE- RES’ Ran in SPI and allows you to release the agreed decisions ONLY. The user will be presented with a confirmation page. Students will immediately be able to see the progression decision. ‘ RELEASE- MTS ’ Ran in SPI and allows you to produce the Module Transcript PDF and simultaneously release them, along with the agreed decisions. The user will be presented with a confirmation page. Students will immediately be able to see the progression decision and download their provisional Transcript. ‘ RELEASE- ATS ’ As above but produces and releases the more detailed Module and Assessment Transcript PDF. ‘RES-LETTER’ Produces a Word document, letter version of the decision text for each student.
Troubleshooting Student missing from report? Check for a SPI record with an Actual PIT Check the Exam Board code stored in SPI UDF2 Check the student has at least one agreed module Wrong decision or modules missing? Check module data (SMR/SMC) carefully, particularly selection status, RTS code and mark scheme If necessary override the Actual PIT in SPI When agreeing decisions (PIT codes) Next SCE data may be missing – contact Registry ‘Exam board’ decisions cannot be confirmed Do not agree SPI records where the student has a decision to make Rogue/missing SAW records As per the previous process be sure to check for C status SAWs that aren’t being awarded Where a recommended decision is FAIL_REPEAT but the student wants to take a lesser award, create a SAW using PSA and agree it within CSP
Help! Potentially difficult programme? Schedule a tentative event in my diary and I will make sure I’m available to help Allow time Read the guide Familiarise yourself with the screens Ask for marks to be in as early as possible and walk through the report with your PD If waiting for marks, create the SPIs in advance, run progression and produce the report to check what you have so far. Remember to re-calculate progression. Call for help Richard (4458) Raj (3149) for Infoview login issues If we can’t answer, please us rather than leave a voic for help AND copy in Use subject ‘Progression: /1’ or if numerous students, quote a programme code Clearly explain what is wrong and attach a screenshot if possible