Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Islamabad By Mr. Jawed Ali Khan Cities and Climate Change Specialist UN-HABITAT, Pakistan 31 May 2016
Planning for Climate Change Process Model at City Level
Map of Islamabad Capital Territory limits (Islamabad Capital Territory Administration)
Islamabad City Expansion, Year
Factors of Climate Change Vulnerability (UN-Habitat)
Recorded Extreme Weather Parameters Highest Maximum Temperature 46°C (24thJune 2005) Lowest Minimum Temperature -4.3°C (25th Dec. 1984) Heaviest Rainfall in 24 hours mm (10 August, 1982) Heaviest Rainfall in 10 hours mm (23 July, 2001)
Nullah Lai
Projected Change in Rainfall in Grid 1
Projected Rainfall Change in Grid 2
Projected Temperature
Projected Temperature Change
Discharge of Nullah Lai in River Swan in 2013
The Nullah Lai at the junction of Islamabad and Rawalpindi in 2013
The Nullah Lai in Rawalpindi in 2013
Climate change hotspots in Islamabad and Rawalpindi
Proposed Projects for increasing Climate Change resilience of Islamabad and surrounding areas Project 1: Solid waste management in urban and rural areas Project 2: Community-level sanitation in rural areas Project 3: Bio-engineered recycling and reuse of grey water Project 4: Rainwater harvesting and ecosystem management Project 5: Study of carbon sequestration in Margalla Hills National Park Project 6: Energy conservation of buildings
Project 7: Energy conservation in tube wells Project 8: Energy conservation in industrial sector Project 9: Energy conservation in energy transmission systems Project 10: Energy conservation in the transport sector Project 11: Streamlined planning at the federal, district and local levels Project 12: Certification and registration of real- estate developers and enforcement of building codes Project 13: Supporting the development of public- private partnerships (PPP) Project 14: Ecosystem based adaptation and management for Islamabad Project 15: Reducing pollution from brick kilns Project 16: Adaptation in healthcare Project 17: Flood Protection
Thank you