Protocols for Critique & Revision Use with students and with teacher peers to receive critical feedback for improvement Change the time and criteria as needed Other resource protocols
DRIVING QUESTION CHARRETTE PROTOCOL PRESENTER Presentation: Presenter explains their project idea and DQ; Presenter asks a specific question to frame the feedback e.g. “What can I make better about..?” “How can I improve…?” Thought Partner listens. 2 minutes THOUGHT PARTNER Partner gives suggestions providing helpful, specific, and kind feedback: “I Like…”: Audience shares what they liked about the project (8 Essential Elements) and the DQ “I Wonder…”: Audience shares concerns (Authentic, Leads to In-Depth Inquiry, Student-Friendly) Presenter Listens. PRESENTER AND THOUGHT PARTNER Open Discussion Presenter and Thought Partner have a dialogue about the suggestions/ feedback. TOTAL TIME 6 minutes
EVIDENCE-BASED CLAIM CHARRETTE PROTOCOL PRESENTER & THOUGHT PARTNER Presentation: Presenter presents his or her claim and evidence to support the claim Presenter explains why he or she chose this claim and the supporting evidence Presenter asks a specific question to frame the feedback “What can I make better about..?” “How can I improve…?” Thought Partner listens. 4 minutes THOUGHT PARTNER Feedback: Partner gives suggestions providing helpful, specific, and kind feedback: “I Like…”: Audience shares what he or she likes about the claim and evidence “I Wonder…”: Audience shares concerns about the claim: too broad, already stated or obvious, does not state a position clearly or not at all, or is stated as an opinion but not as a basis for an argument (etc.) “I Wonder…”: Audience shares concerns about the evidence: is not concrete or explicit, does not support the claim, Presenter listens. 4 minutes PRESENTER & THOUGHT PARTNER Open Discussion: Presenter and Thought Partner have a dialogue about the suggestions/ feedback. Both Presenter and Thought Partner speaks. 2 minutes TOTAL TIME 10 minutes
PBL PROJECT GALLERY WALK PROTOCOL TIME Directions Provide feedback on the following areas: Significant Content—Is the content relevant to students’ lives? Are there real-world connections that put learning in context to what matters to students? Driving Question—Is the DQ engaging, open-ended, and aligned to significant content? Will it drive in-depth student inquiry? Is it relevant to students? Group and Individual Products—Are the designated products authentic and relate to the Driving Question? Do both group and individual products support student learning of the significant content? Do the products add value to the community or to the lives of others in some way? Public Audience—Is the public audience authentic? Is the group project appropriate for the audience? 2 min Gallery Walk & Feedback Silently record feedback on sticky notes offering one or more of the following: “Praise” —Tell why you like it, why it is a strength “Question” —Ask questions about pieces of the plan that are unclear “Polish” —Provide suggestions for improvement Make sure the feedback is helpful, specific, and kind. 20 min Reflection Think deeply about your project using the feedback you received from your peers. How can you improve the authenticity of your project so that student learning is meaningful and relevant? 8 min TOTAL 30 min
STUDENT PROJECT GALLERY WALK PROTOCOL TIME Set-Up and Directions Hang poster or arrange projects for the gallery walk Distribute sticky notes Assign roles (give students specific elements of the project to critique) Give directions 5 min Gallery Walk & Feedback Silently record feedback on sticky notes specific “I likes” and I wonders.” Give one “I like” and one “I wonder” for each project. Make sure the feedback is helpful, specific, and kind. 20 min Reflection Think deeply about your project using the feedback you received from your peers. TOTAL 30 min
CRITICAL FRIENDS PROTOCOL PRESENTER Presentation Presenter explains their project; Audience Listens. 4 min EVERYONE Clarification Audience asks short clarifying questions; Presenter responds. 2 min AUDIENCE “I Like or appreciate…” Audience shares what they liked (Best Practices); Presenter listens. “I Wonder or am curious if you thought about…” Audience shares concerns (Needs Development); “I Have…” Audience shares ideas & resources for the project. 3 min Reflection Group reflects on useful feedback; Audience listens. TOTAL TIME 15 min
CRITICAL FRIENDS PROTOCOL PRESENTER Presentation Presenter explains their project; Audience Listens. 4 min EVERYONE Clarification Audience asks short clarifying questions; Presenter responds. 2 min AUDIENCE “I Like or appreciate…” Audience shares what they liked (Best Practices); Presenter listens. “I Wonder or am curious if you thought about…” Audience shares concerns (Needs Development); Reflection Group reflects on useful feedback; Audience listens. “I Have an idea or a resource…” Audience shares ideas & resources for the project. 3 min TOTAL TIME 15 min