1 Santa Rosa, CA, June 2009 Kenneth S. Casey, Tess Brandon NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center Nick Rayner Met Office Hadley Centre June 2010 GHRSST Reanalysis Technical Advisory Group (RAN-TAG) Report from the Breakout Session at the 11 th GHRSST Science Team Meeting Kenneth S. Casey, Tess Brandon NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center Nick Rayner Met Office Hadley Centre June 2010
2 Santa Rosa, CA, June 2009 Annual Review of RAN-TAG Terms of Reference Membership Chair Goal 1: 2010 International Status Report Goal 2: GDS 2.0 Review Goal 3: Priority Actions for the Coming Years RAN-TAG Overview
3 RAN-TAG Terms of Reference Develop a consensus methodology for providing global L4 SST fnd RAN products in delayed-mode Conform to the GDS whenever possible Work with users and applications of RAN products Operate an international panel to establish: –RAN product format and characteristics –product validation protocols based on GHRSST diagnostic data sets –data archive of RAN products –suitable metrics to assess the performance of the RAN products and RAN system Review proposals for improvements to the RAN system Provide guidance to and receive advice from GHRSST partners on scientific and technical issues related to the RAN system Provide advice and guidance on scientific and technical innovations relevant to GHRSST Provide advice and guidance on scientific and technical innovations relevant to GHRSST Provide regular reports to the GHRSST Science Team
4 RAN-TAG Terms of Reference Develop a consensus methodology for providing global L4 SST fnd RAN products in delayed-mode Conform to the GDS whenever possible Work with users and applications of RAN products Operate an international panel to establish: –RAN product format and characteristics –product validation protocols based on GHRSST diagnostic data sets –data archive of RAN products –suitable metrics to assess the performance of the RAN products and RAN system Review proposals for improvements to the RAN system Provide guidance to and receive advice from GHRSST partners on scientific and technical issues related to the RAN system Provide advice and guidance on scientific and technical innovations relevant to GHRSST Provide advice and guidance on scientific and technical innovations relevant to GHRSST Provide regular reports to the GHRSST Science Team
5 RAN-TAG Terms of Reference Original RAN vision for GHRSST was to implement a consensus processing system to create the official RAN-TAG L4 SST Quickly became clear there was insufficient consensus Quickly became clear there was a strong need to establish more historical L2P inputs ACTION: To chair, update Terms of Reference to reflect “modern” RAN-TAG vision and distribute to membership for review and approval Perros-Guirec, June 2008
6 RAN-TAG Membership Ken Casey Ed Armstrong Jorge Vazquez Craig Donlon Hiroshi Kawamura Gilles Larnicol David Llewellyn-Jones Matt Martin* Jonah Roberts-Jones* Steinar Eastwood* Chris Merchant* Nick Rayner Gary Wick Dick Reynolds Bill Emery Helen Beggs Gary Corlett Tess Brandon Alexey Kaplan* Mike Chin* Eileen Maturi* Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli* * New Member. Underlined names not yet confirmed.
7 RAN-TAG Chair RAN-TAG approved Ken Casey to continue as RAN-TAG Chair for the next year (But please start thinking about a replacement…) Perros-Guirec, June 2008
8 RAN-TAG Breakout Goals Three Goals of the Breakout Session –Collect and publish an authoritative status report, documenting the current state and future plans of the international SST reanalysis community –Evaluate and make recommendations regarding the GDS 2.0, with emphasis on L3 and L4 specifications –Develop a prioritized list of actions for the coming years Perros-Guirec, June 2008
9 Goal 1 Collect and publish an authoritative status report, documenting the current state and future plans of the international SST reanalysis community Perros-Guirec, June 2008
International Status Report Summary of Current and Planned Future Reanalysis Activities from around the world 21 projects summarized and gaps identified, in an easy to understand and consistent format Available at LTSRF and GHRSST web sites after the meeting
International Status Report Request action for one slide summaries: Andy Harris/Eileen Maturi: GOES and MT-SAT reprocessing? Anne O’Carroll: Any IASI retrospective data? Pierre LeBorgne: SEVIRI reprocessing? Anyone: Other L4 we should consider?
GHRSST Data Availability Oh so close! Getting closer for both GAC and HRPT Still no progress
GHRSST Data Availability Getting closer for both GAC and HRPT Still no progress V2 complete, not at LTSRF yet Proposed to NASA ROSES (Vazquez)
(?) GHRSST Data Availability Pierre? Ken? Anne? Peter? Andy/Eileen? Jorge? Andy/Eileen?
15 Goal 2 Evaluate and make recommendations regarding the GDS 2.0, with emphasis on L3 and L4 specifications Perros-Guirec, June 2008
16 RAN-TAG GDS 2.0 Review GDS 2.0 was reviewed by RAN-TAG Focus was on L3 and L4 specifications, but all components considered Overview of product specification table, we need to define what “target accuracy” means. What would the reference data set be? Information in the table comes from other places, where are these defined? ACTION: Add a section in the GDS 2.0 overview document giving some level of justification and detail on these requirements. Should non-real time data sets conform to the GDS2? – YES Can an adjusted reanalysis data set that has been standardized to a local time fit into the GDS2? – YES A few other comments that were all positive… RAN-TAG GIVES GDS 2.0 THE GO AHEAD! Tool Assessments: GHRSST-X Reanalysis Breakout Session
17 Goal 3 Develop a prioritized list of actions for the coming years. DONE, here it is: 1.Begin production of Pathfinder V6, 1981-near present, in GHRSST L2 and L3 format, for GAC and available LAC/HRPT 2.Fix the calibration of AVHRR and AMSR-E to remove latitudinal and other biases before reprocessing of data sets 2.Fix the calibration of AVHRR and AMSR-E to remove latitudinal and other biases before reprocessing of data sets 3.Create MODIS retrospective data in GHRSST format 4.Complete ARC science for ATSR-1 to AATSR Perros-Guirec, June 2008
18 Goal 3 Continued: 5.Assign proposed HadSST3 in situ bias adjustments on a per-observation basis to allow incorporation into GHRSST reanalysis products 6.Test and possibly integrate improved AVHRR BTs and/or physical retrieval methods into Pathfinder 7.Create GOES retrospective data in GHRSST format 8.Improve data discovery and access mechanisms at GDAC and LTSRF – Live Access Server and THREDDS Catalog Perros-Guirec, June 2008
19 Goal 3 Continued: 9.Investigate the stability and robustness of the reanalysis products in the Marginal Ice Zone 10.Incorporate ICOADS v2.5 observations into GHRSST reanalysis produtcs 10.Incorporate ICOADS v2.5 observations into GHRSST reanalysis produtcs 11.Complete GCOS SST Intercomparison pilot study: (i) generate SST analyses using common QC’ed input data from UKMO; and (ii) incorporate analyses into intercomparison framework and evaluate results 12.Explore NIST traceability for SST CDR 13.Undertake a graphics face-lift for the entire GCOS Intercomparison site Perros-Guirec, June 2008
20 Summary It’s been a good year for GHRSST Reanalysis –International Status Report demonstrates progress –(A)ATSR Version 2 data are now ready –AVHRR HRPT coordination continues –AVHRR (GAC) Pathfinder is making strides toward L2P –ARC is readying to release data –GCOS Intercomparison linear trends completed –OSTIA system creates initial 20 year reanalysis –UHR global 1 km resolution analyses are now available –SST ECV project established under ESA CCI –GDS 2 reviewed and accepted Perros-Guirec, June 2008