A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Muon acceleration - potential synergies view from UK Input for discussion Andrei Seryi January 14, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Muon acceleration - potential synergies view from UK Input for discussion Andrei Seryi January 14, 2012 Proton Accelerators for Science and Innovation Workshop 12 – 14 th Jan 2012, FNAL

For Particle Physics: detectors, accelerators, computing, attracting students into science… Why does government support science? Science Understanding of the Universe Technological innovation, skills £ Government Slide from John Womersley

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop

New Light Source => Future Light Source (options studies ongoing)

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop ISIS upgrade (several options and scenarios)

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop EBTFCLARA Daresbury Lab, ASTeC & CI accelerator developments & Industry partnership

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop

Proton Slide from John Womersley

LEPTON COLLIDERS Steve Geer Proton Accels. for Science & Innovation January, Pier Oddone

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop

in project in R&D time Integrated impact d(impact)/ dt Industry, technology Ideas, knowledge

LEPTON COLLIDERS Steve Geer Proton Accels. for Science & Innovation January, Pier Oddone

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop

Muon Decay Ring RLA II 3.6 – 12.6 GeV Pre Linac 244 – 900 MeV FFAG 12.6 – 25 GeV RLA I 0.9 – 3.6 GeV Cooler Rotator Buncher Target Protons Muons Neutrino Beam Muon Decay Ring Target to Muon Decay Rings km to Detector km to Detector Tilt angle 36  Tilt angle 18 

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Summary IDS-NF has achieved remarkable progress in the design of the Neutrino Factory (many problems have been solved, more definitions provided and mitigating scenarios identified) The IDR has been published! We need to progress technology solutions and develop the costing The work on the Reference Design Report (RDR – is to be published in the Summer 2013) work is ongoing The RDR will serve as a feasibility demonstration, shift the effort towards the engineering and provide the cost estimate for the facility. The large value of θ 13 would require a re-optimisation. The Neutrino Factory seems to have the best sensitivity for CP violation search, but more studies are needed for all facilities including realistic systematics. The definition of the incremental (staging) approach is needed. IDS – NF summary & synergies, Neil Bliss, STFC

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Synergy Sub System and Technology Challenges 1.Muon solenoid channel (Energy deposition) 2.Cooling channel (RF breakdown in magnetic field, window development) 3.High field superconducting solenoids 4.Cost effective muon acceleration schemes (RLA, nsFFAG) 5.Injection and extraction devices (kickers, septum/inflector, advanced powers supplies) 6.Intense radiation environment 7.Muon beam diagnostics Accelerators discussed with common technology challenges COMET and Mu2e - PRISM - MUSIC - VLE-NF - MUON COLLIDER - IDS – NF summary & synergies, Neil Bliss, STFC

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop IDS-NF Ongoing collaboration to finish RDR Explore post-RDR (to be explored between now and next meeting) Staging scenarios Technology R&D (planning) Muon Collider Joint collaborative plan for 6D and final cooling channel component R&D (develop over next year) *Detector studies (get help from UK expertise?) Explore options for detector discussion at next meeting Explore common interests on full range of R&D items – identify items to target at next meeting MICE Explore long term plan (IDS channel, technology test, 6D options, etc) List assembled by Mark Palmer

A SECOND EXAMPLE: MACHINE DETECTOR INTERFACE Steve Geer Proton Accels. for Science & Innovation January,  Unique to a Muon Collider are detector backgrounds from muon decay.  For TeV muon decays, O(10 5 ) decays/m, but decay angles are O(10)  radians. Electrons typically stay inside beampipe for few meters. Hence decay electrons born within a few meters of the IP are benign. → sweep the electrons born further than ~6m from the IP into ~6m of shielding.  Understanding how to mitigate the backgrounds and developing detector technologies to do the physics at a Muon Collider provides an interface to the particle physics community. -Simulation tools exist, but there is an opportunity for an expanded effort -Developing detectors for high background environments has broader interest than just Muon Colliders → fruitful ground to explore collaboration ? MARS map of background particle densities in detector

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop MICE

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop EMMA *Look at motivations for an extended experimental program – review what is actually required *Review whether the necessary knowledge has been obtained from current and planned experiments 6D Cooling Design and simulation of 6D and final cooling Review of final stage options MuCool Cavity test options List assembled by Mark Palmer

EMMA EMMA - demonstration of a linear non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient accelerator : Performed acceleration in serpentine channel (outside rf bucket) in around 10 turns. Achieved operation with large tune variation due to natural chromaticity during acceleration. Proves that a linear non-scaling FFAG works! Summary by Jaroslaw Pasternak

Proof of principle of the muon acceleration: -serpentine acceleration (demonstrated, but more lessons to be learned), -operation of NS-FFAG, Extrapolation of the results to future muon machines. Synergies mainly with IDS-NF and MAP, VLENF, PRISM (experimental test of phase rotation in NS-FFAG), but also with a medical FFAG, ADSR etc. It is important to extract as much output as possible from the EMMA commissioning (may be try to extend the EMMA life?)! 22 EMMA synergies Summary by Jaroslaw Pasternak

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop MICE “Guggenheim” Helical cooling The “snake”

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Muon Accelerator Working Group Discussion VLENF Better name Physics case + testbed case **Detector background study (MIND’ analsysis) – for 6-week study Programmatic interface options – Can it co-exist with other projects Simulations – target to neutrino flux, detector Lattice development for ring, injection with PRISM/IDS 6 wk report at FNAL – more participation? List assembled by Mark Palmer

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Mu 2 e Production SolenoidDetector Solenoid Transport Solenoid Production Target Tracker Calorimeter

The PRISM/PRIME is a next generation cLFV experiment based on FFAG ring, which allows to: - reduce the muon beam energy spread by phase rotation, - purify the muon beam in the storage ring. PRISM - Phase Rotated Intense Slow Muon beam Single event sensitivity – 3× Expected upgrade path for COMET Summary by Jaroslaw Pasternak

J. Pasternak. - the physics of muon to electron conversion → Mu2e, COMET - proton source → Project-X, IDS-NF, ISIS upgrade - pion capture → Mu2e, IDS-NF, MAP, - muon beam transport → Mu2e, IDS-NF, MAP, VLENF - injection and extraction for PRISM-FFAG ring → IDS-NF, MAP, medical FFAG (Pamela), ADSR, VLENF - FFAG ring design including the search for a new improved version → IDS-NF, MAP, medical FFAG (Pamela), ADSR, VLENF - FFAG hardware systems R&D → IDS-NF, MAP, medical FFAG (Pamela), ADSR, VLENF Summary of synergies for PRISM Key hardware element to be developed → fast, strong, large aperture kicker! Summary by Jaroslaw Pasternak

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop Muon Accelerator Working Group Discussion Mu2e/g-2/COMET/PRISM Curved solenoid development for Mu2e/COMET/PRISM and g-2 Kicker design overlap between g-2 and FFAG efforts SC inflector for g-2 and SC septum for FFAG? Muon beam diagnostics (all) Simulations of transport List assembled by Mark Palmer

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop

IARC will develop world-leading educational programs in key aspects of accelerator physics and engineering. As an educational center and working with accelerator programs at nearby universities, IARC will offer advanced educational opportunities to Illinois and attract scholars from around the world. These top scientists will perform world-class research, educate and mentor Illinois students. Regional universities, including the University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Illinois Institute of Technology, Northern Illinois University and Northwestern University all have active research programs at Fermilab and Argonne. By providing state-of-the- art facilities for visiting scientists, students and industrial partners, IARC will strengthen Fermilab's and Argonne's links to Illinois universities and industry Illinois Accelerator Research Center

A.Seryi, Jan 14, 2012, US-UK accelerator workshop How to compare synergy R&D in USR&D in UKEfficiency Coefficient Work Package 1aWork Package 1b1.5 Work Package 2a 0.5 Here coefficient means (examples): 1.5 means we amplify the impact by collaborating 0.5 means that there is duplication and loss of efficiency Can we evaluate what we are doing quantitatively?