Pagan fests Worldwide holidays origin Tereza Vašíčková, 3.D
History of fests Prehistory Antiquity – the Celts, Vikings Greeks, Romans, other ancient cultures Synthetic fests – Christians Commercial New Age - America
Wheel of the year
Imbolc 1./2. February Godess Brighid The light, new sun, the beginning of field works, first herbs Synthesis: St.Brighit‘s day, Candlemas
Ostara March Fertility Goddes Eostre –Hare Eggs Easter: depends on lunar phase – typical Pagan sign
Beltane 31.April/1.May Coming sun, light, fire, love Winter is gone Light half of the year Maypole Comunism
Litha June The beginning of the summer Fire Midsummer
Lughnasad 1./2. August Wheat, harvest time The top of Sun God‘s way Lammas/Liberation of St.Peter
Mabon September Preparing for the dark times Giving thanks for harvest
Samhain 31.October/1.November The beginning of the new celtic year Dark half of the year Chasing demons away Halloween / All Hallows Eve, All Souls
Yule December Candles - gifts, tree, the darkest days Sacred log Christmas
Thank you for your attension! May your year be blessed!