Summer 2016 HOLIDAY CLUB – BOOKING FORM Full days 9am-4pm £ 25 per day Half Day 9am-1pm £ 15 per session Please indicate the sessions you require by ticking the relevant boxes below. Payment should be included with your booking if paying by either cash or cheque.. NB: If your child is new to the setting please also complete a registration form and return it with your booking form. Cheques payable to: Poperinghe pre-school. BACS: Poperinghe Pre-School A/C sort code: Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis To guarantee a space please submit your booking by Friday 8 th July. Bookings taken after this date will be subject to availability and payment must be made by cash or cheque All children will need to bring a packed lunch, a mid-morning snack will be provided Summer 2016 HOLIDAY CLUB – BOOKING FORM Full days 9am-4pm £ 25 per day Half Day 9am-1pm £ 15 per session Please indicate the sessions you require by ticking the relevant boxes below. Payment should be included with your booking if paying by either cash or cheque.. NB: If your child is new to the setting please also complete a registration form and return it with your booking form. Cheques payable to: Poperinghe pre-school. BACS: Poperinghe Pre-School A/C sort code: Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis To guarantee a space please submit your booking by Friday 8 th July. Bookings taken after this date will be subject to availability and payment must be made by cash or cheque All children will need to bring a packed lunch, a mid-morning snack will be provided
Week 1 Monday 1 st August – Friday 5 th August DateActivity Morning 9am -1pm £15 Full Day 9am-4pm £25 Monday 01/08 Decorate a sun hat Tuesday 02/08 Den Building Wednesday 03/08 Ball skills and Sports Thursday 04/08 Paddle and Dig Friday 05/08 Pirate for the day Subtotal: £ CHILD NAME …………………………………………….. AMOUNT PAID …………… PAYMENT METHOD: Cash Cheque BACS Childcare vouchers Please note that due to staffing arrangements all bookings taken are non-refundable SIGNED (parent/carer): …………………………………………………… DATE ………………………… HOLIDAY CLUB SUMMER 2016 Week 2 Monday 8th August – Friday 12 th August DateActivity Morning 9am -1pm £15 Full Day 9am-4pm £25 Monday 08/08 Camp for the day Tuesday 09/08 Design a cape Wednesday 10/08 Bug Hunting Thursday 11/08 Ball skills and sports Friday 12/08 Paddle and dig Subtotal: £ Week 3 Monday 15th August – Friday 19 th August DateActivity Morning 9am -1pm £15 Full Day 9am-4pm £25 Monday 15/08 Decorate a Pot Tuesday 16/08 Camp for the day Wednesday 17/08 Design a mask Thursday 18/08 Den Building Friday 19/08 Ball skills and sports Subtotal: £ Week 4 Monday 22 nd August – Friday 26 th August DateActivity Morning 9am -1pm £15 Full Day 9am-4pm £25 Monday 22/08 Den Building Tuesday 23/08 Make a miniature garden Wednesday 24/08 Camp for the day Thursday 25/08 Decorate a T-shirt Friday 26/08 Bug Hunting Subtotal: £