4%-6% of test: Transforming relations in 2 dimensions – describe results algebraically and geometrically What happens to graph based on the equation? Operate with vectors in two dimensions to model and solve problems 8%-12%: Use quadratic relations (parabola, circle, ellipse, hyperbola) to model and solve problems Solve using tables, graphs, and algebraic properties Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem
22%-26% of test: Use functions to model and solve problems and justify the results This includes polynomial, power, rational, exponential, logarithmic, logistic, piece-wise, and greatest integer functions Solve using graphs and algebraic properties Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem Use polar equations to model and solve problems Solve using graphs and algebraic properties Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem
54%-60% of test: Use trigonometric and inverse trig functions to model and solve problems and justify the results Solve using graphs and algebraic properties Create and identify transformations with respect to period, amplitude, and vertical/horizontal shifts Develop and use the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines Use the composition and inverse of functions to model and solve problems
54%-60% of test: Use recursively defined functions to model and solve problems Find the sum of finite and infinite sequences Determine whether a series converges or diverges Translate between recursive and explicit representations Explore the limit of a function graphically, numerically, and algebraically
4%-7% of test: For sets of data create and use calculator-generated models of linear, polynomial, exponential, trigonometric, power, logistic, and logarithmic functions Interpret the constants and coefficients in the context of the problem Check models for goodness of fit; use the most appropriate model to draw conclusions and make predictions Use parametric equations to model and solve problems
Powerpoint Game Rules 1. Each pair needs a team name! (Zaske approved) 2. Every team answers every question 3. Switch who writes each answer! 4. Write your work somewhere else – on a piece of paper preferably (so you can look back at it later and study!) Each of these questions is an NCFE released question from previous years 5. Keep track of your own points and BE HONEST 6. WINNERS ONLY get candy