Informed Traveler Program and Applications Agile / Scrum Overview Jerry Inberg
Agile Values Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation Responding to Change over Following a Plan
Scrum Principles Empirical Process – Decisions based upon observation and experimentation Self Organization – Workers have more knowledge than just their technical expertise – They deliver greater value when self-organized Collaboration – Shared value creation that needs all stakeholders working together Prioritization – Try to deliver the greatest value in the shortest amount of time Time Boxing – Time treated as limiting constraint – Time Boxing used as the rhythm to which all work is done
Scrum in 30 Seconds Product owner creates prioritized product backlog Team completes work in sprints that last 1-4 weeks In sprint planning team chooses work to be done in the next sprint Team meets each day to communicate, assess and plan progress Scrum master enforces scrum rules and helps team focus on work Each sprint ends with a sprint review and a sprint retrospective
Scrum Advantages Transparency – scrum ensures complete transparency to all stakeholders Collective accountability – scrum team is collectively responsible for the results Adaptable – Change in requirements can be accommodated without significant impact to the product Prioritized delivery – features with maximum business value are delivered first Continuous progress – each sprint delivers a shippable product
Scrum Roles Product Owner – Responsible for achieving maximum business value and represents the voice of the customer Scrum Team – Responsible for completing the product deliverable Scrum Master – Is the guardian and facilitator who ensures the team members have the best environment to successfully complete their work.
Product Owner Represents the stakeholder and ensures the team delivers value Writes user stories w/ input from team members Manages the product backlog (prioritizes, updates, and ensures transparency Voice of the Customer (internal, external, implicit, & explicit) Decides on the product vision Decides on the release dates Provides acceptance criteria Inspects deliverables and validates acceptance criteria
Scrum Master Oversees the Release Planning Meeting and schedules other meetings Acts as guardian and facilitator for the team Protects the team from internal interference Ensures that the team follows and implements scrum practices Acts as motivator and coach for the team Acts as change agent overseeing smooth and effective change process
Scrum Team Cross functional and self organizing Enjoys complete autonomy during sprint Members are generalists across domains and specialists in at least one domain Equality among all team members No further subdivision of team Responsibility for work lies with the whole team Scrum Characteristics: – Self organized – Cross functional – Co-located – Face to face communication – Iterative product delivery
Product Vision Release Planning Sprint Sprint ReviewSprint Goal Sprint Planning Meeting Sprint Retrospective Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Potentially Shippable Product Work Daily Scrum Work Day Scrum Flow
Planning in Scrum Kickoff Meeting – Product Owner determines product vision and intended deliverable – Product Vision: High level statement of product – Product Backlog: Prioritized list of requirements/user stories – User Story: Who, what, and why User/product owner/customer Wants to be able to perform some action of function So that the specified requirement is met Non-sprintable user stories (epics) are broken apart – Done Definition: Product Owner defines acceptance criteria for each user story. Clear definition is essential
Planning in Scrum (Continued) Sprint Planning Meeting (2 hours / week ) – Objective Definition Product Owner Explains top items in product backlog Scrum team decides on the number of items selected for sprint backlog in consultation with PO Team commits to selected items – Task Estimation Team breaks PB items into tasks Team assigns estimates based on complexity, risk, and time required Tasks included in sprint backlog (output of Sprint Planning meeting)
Sprint Planning Steps Select User Stories/Requirements/Work for next sprint Decompose into development tasks (Design, code, code inspect, test, whatever) Estimate each task in hours (no less than half an hour) Plan Tasks across sprint days Record the plan in sprint burndown spreadsheet Record actual work accomplished each day: – does not have to match the plan – We are learning how the process works – We are learning how we estimate – We are learning how we operate as a team
Daily Scrum Meeting Meeting lasts only 15 minutes and we gather the team to answer 3 questions: – What did I accomplish yesterday? – What will I accomplish today? – What, if any impediments do I have? The Scrum Master is responsible for removing impediments and maintains an impediment log.
Sprint Review Meeting Sprint Team presents the end deliverable to the product owner Product Owner accepts or rejects the done backlog item Stakeholder can view work done and provide feedback (I propose we do this at specific milestones along the way and not during this meeting)
Sprint Retrospective Meeting Attended by Scrum Master and Team (Product Owner Optional) Discuss what went well and what did not Issues discussed and how to address issues Team discusses potential improvements to its functioning Team also reviews and approves definition of done
Sprint Artifacts Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Impediment Log Retrospective Log Sprint Metrics – Release burn down chart – Sprint burn down chart – Velocity