Media and Society
Media and Reality – Rothman and Lichter studies Major American media are out of touch with the American people: media are more liberal. Major American media are out of touch with the American people: media are more liberal. TV scripts favor feminist positions in 71% of shows. TV scripts favor feminist positions in 71% of shows. 3% of TV murders are committed by blacks. 3% of TV murders are committed by blacks. Only 1 out of 3 business people is presented favorably. Only 1 out of 3 business people is presented favorably. News: “If it bleeds, it leads.” But U.S. violent crime rates are lowest in decades. News: “If it bleeds, it leads.” But U.S. violent crime rates are lowest in decades.
Social Stability “The mass media create rituals around which people structure their lives. This is one of the ways in which the media contribute to social stability.” “The mass media create rituals around which people structure their lives. This is one of the ways in which the media contribute to social stability.” Film at 11:00 – Northwest Airlines pilots, flying west at night, watched the lights go out in the Dakotas as people went to bed after the late- night news. Film at 11:00 – Northwest Airlines pilots, flying west at night, watched the lights go out in the Dakotas as people went to bed after the late- night news. In 1878, E.W. Scripps started the evening newspaper tradition in Cleveland. It created a shopping pattern ritual. In 1878, E.W. Scripps started the evening newspaper tradition in Cleveland. It created a shopping pattern ritual.
Historical Transmission of Cultural Values “In olden times, people gathered around fires and in temples to hear storytellers. It was a ritual through which people learned the values that governed their community.” “In olden times, people gathered around fires and in temples to hear storytellers. It was a ritual through which people learned the values that governed their community.” “Five thousand years ago, the oral tradition was augmented when Middle Eastern traders devised an alphabet…” “Five thousand years ago, the oral tradition was augmented when Middle Eastern traders devised an alphabet…” “Books remain the primary repository of our culture.” “Books remain the primary repository of our culture.” Today, other mass media are kept in archives to preserve history. Today, other mass media are kept in archives to preserve history. Museum of Broadcasting – NY and Chicago Museum of Broadcasting – NY and Chicago Ohio State’s Library for Communication and Graphic Arts Ohio State’s Library for Communication and Graphic Arts Vanderbilt Television News Archive Vanderbilt Television News Archive The National Archives in the Library of Congress The National Archives in the Library of Congress UD Archives – special collections UD Archives – special collections Numerous depositories and archives Numerous depositories and archives
Contemporary Transmission Music, fashion, and pop culture – especially movies and television Music, fashion, and pop culture – especially movies and television Diffusion of Innovations – a 2-step process Diffusion of Innovations – a 2-step process Media present a new idea Media present a new idea Opinion leaders influence its acceptance or rejection Opinion leaders influence its acceptance or rejection