1 Blackboard Academic Suite (Release 7.1) Essentials Training Evaluation Tools
2 Workshop Objectives and Agenda Assignments –Create, retrieve, grade, and return student work with the Assignment Manager –Exchange files through the Digital Drop Box Test/Survey Managers –Understand Creation Settings –Develop assessment questions –Deploy, retrieve, and grade assessments Questions Pools –Build, categorize, and search for questions in a pool
3 Workshop Objectives and Agenda Gradebook –Customize the Gradebook –Weight grades –Create, modify, and remove student grades –Categorize, sort, and archive grades –Import and export the Gradebook for analysis offline Performance Dashboard and Course Statistics –Retrieve data to measure student performance –Generate reports about usage within course
4 Assignments
5 Assignment Examples Short-Answer Questions Journals Essays and Research Papers Routine Homework Group Projects Take-Home Examinations Class Presentations Lab Reports Attendance Options
6 Traditional Assignment Lifecycle Creates Assignment Does work & Submits Monitors Submissions Reviews & Grades Work Reads Feed- back & Grade Instructor Student
7 Online Assignment Lifecycle 1.Instructor creates an assignment –Writes instructions, sets due date and expectations –Uploads supplemental files (articles, templates, rubrics) –Makes available, posts announcement or sends 2.Student does the assignment –Downloads supplemental files –Reads, prepares, writes, revises, and saves work –Submits final work 3.Instructor monitors submissions via the gradebook 4.Instructor grades assignments –Reviews online or batch downloads for offline review –Annotates and uploads students' files or additional files –Writes comments for the student or instructor –Assigns grade 5.Student opens My Grades –Reads comments –Reads files returned –Reads final grade
8 Digital Drop Box A tool in Blackboard that enables file exchange. Students can exchange files in digital format with the course instructor. Groups can also exchange files. Encourage students to use the Send File button. Educate students about the Add File button. –Attaching a file using the Add File button will NOT send the file to anyone. –The Add File button allows users to store digital files in their Digital Drop Box. It is a way for users to save files to Blackboard and continue work on them at a later time.
9 The Assignment Tool Tool used to create an Assignment in any Content Area of a course. Automatically creates an item in the Gradebook. Allows students to download assigned files, submit work to instructors, and retrieve graded material. Enables instructors to bulk download student files and bulk delete both student and instructor files.
10 Assignment Tool Comments and feedback can be exchanged between student and instructor through the Assignment tool template. Anecdotal notes can be recorded by the instructor.
11 Tips for Assignment Success Select standards file formats for electronic materials submitted by students. –.doc,.rtf,.txt Establish file naming conventions. –tcasey_ch1assignment.doc (Student Submission) –graded_tcasey_ch1assignment.doc (Graded Assign.) Download and save student files to local drive in organized folders. –In a batch download the student’s name is appended to the file name even if a standard naming convention is not used.
12 Assessments
13 Assessment Lifecycle Creation –Using Pools or building from scratch Delivery –Options, feedback, and availability Completion by Student Grading - “!” in Gradebook –Automatic vs. Manual Item grading Student Review –Viewing feedback and grades
14 Tests and Surveys Question types include: Multiple Choice (answers can be randomized) True/False Multiple Answer Ordering Matching Fill-in-the-Blank Essay Short Answer Calculated Formula Calculated Numeric Hotspot Opinion Scale/Likert File Upload Jumbled Sentence Either/Or
15 Advanced Question Types Calculated Formula Calculated Numeric Either/Or File Response Fill in Multiple Blanks Hotspot Jumbled Sentence Opinion Scale/Likert Quiz Bowl Short Answer
16 Advanced Assessment Questions Additional questions types within assessments. Calculated Formula – Include calculations within the question. The calculations can have changing values within them for each exam. Calculated Numeric – Answer is a number or within a certain range of numbers. Either/Or – Answer is Yes/No, Agree/Disagree, Right/Wrong. File Response – Student answers the question by uploading a file. Fill in Multiple Blanks – Type in free-form answers to multiple blanks within a sentence.
17 Advanced Assessment Questions continued Hotspot – Student designates a “hotspot” on an image that was previously uploaded by the instructor. Jumbled Sentence – Select from a drop-down of answers to fill in multiple blanks within a sentence. Opinion Scale/Likert – Answer is selection based on a scale such as Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, etc. Quiz Bowl – Students must provide their answers in a question format. Short Answer – Answer is typed into a free-form text box with a set limit.
18 Calculated Formula – Student Perspective
19 Calculated Formula Create variable-based questions by using brackets [ ] Create an answer formula using the WebEQ tool – provide method for Blackboard to solve the problem Partial Credit and Unit requirements can be specified Instructor-defined variables can be used on both sides of the equation Answer formula is solved for missing variable Variable ranges and decimal places can be defined Blackboard will calculate variable answer results
20 Calculated Formula – Instructor Perspective
21 Calculated Formula – Instructor Perspective
22 Calculated Numeric Accepts numeric answers in a blank field Answer range can be specified Does not allow for partial credit Student Perspective
23 Calculated Numeric – Instructor Perspective
24 Either/Or Similar to a True/False question Several answer choice options Can change answer orientation
25 Either/Or – Student Perspective
26 Either/Or – Instructor Perspective
27 File Response Similar to an Assignment – allows instructor to collect file from students Students can upload file from local computer or Content System (if available)
28 File Response – Perspectives Student View Instructor View
29 Fill In Multiple Blanks Create variable-based fill in questions Students can be provided with a text based list of potential answers Instructor must devise potential student answers for each variable Similar to single fill in blank question Partial Credit Option
30 Fill in Multiple Blanks –Perspectives Student View Instructor View
31 Hot Spot Image is uploaded, and select portion of the image is marked as correct Student clicks on image to mark answer Automatically graded
32 Hot Spot – Student Perspective
33 Hot Spot – Instructor Perspective
34 Jumbled Sentence Create variable-based questions by using brackets [ ] Create list of potential answers that will appear throughout the sentence Partial Credit can be specified
35 Jumbled Sentence – Student Perspective
36 Jumbled Sentence – Instructor Perspective
37 Jumbled Sentence – Instructor Perspective
38 Opinion Scale/Likert Similar to a multiple choice question Answer numbering, orientation, and partial credit can be configured Answers can be displayed in random order Often used for assessing opinions in a survey
39 Opinion Scale/Likert – Student Perspective Similar to a multiple choice question Answer numbering, orientation, and partial credit can be configured Answers can be displayed in random order Often used for assessing opinions in a survey
40 Opinion Scale/Likert – Instructor Perspective
41 Quiz Bowl Jeopardy-like questions – answer presented first Partial credit can be partially based on included interrogatives Similar to a “fill in the blank” question
42 Quiz Bowl – Student Perspective
43 Quiz Bowl – Instructor Perspective
44 Short Answer – Student Perspective
45 Short Answer – Instructor Perspective
46 Assessment Question Completion Status Students may skip questions that they may wish to come back to in a question-by-question assessment. This feature allows students to clearly identify which questions they have actually completed from the ones that they have skipped as they progress through the assessment.
47 Test Manager Test Canvas –Build and edit assessments, and then deploy them anywhere, anytime –Use the Creation Settings feature to set default point values for questions –Attach images and links to questions and to feedback –Built-in math and science notation Test Manager –Change the properties for specific assessments –Choose the method for deploying assessments (e.g., question by question or all at once) –Edit deployed assessments without clearing existing grades
48 Survey Manager Uses include polling, evaluations, and random checks of knowledge Surveys differ from Tests in the following ways: –Questions cannot be assigned points –Surveys cannot include Random Blocks of questions –Instructors cannot give students feedback –Surveys cannot be graded –Surveys questions cannot be categorized –Questions may be imported into a Survey; however, they cannot include correct and incorrect answers Survey results may be viewed on the Assessment Statistics page (by percentage)
49 Student-Centered Learning Assessment Features New features include: –Handling multiple attempts of quizzes, tests and surveys –Support for extra credit questions –More granular feedback options –Export, Store, Import Students will benefit from: –A true self-assessment option –Enhanced submission reports
50 Assessment Creation Metadata Options When in the Test Canvas or Survey Canvas instructors have additional Creation Settings to set up metadata for questions. Metadata options include category and key words, degree of difficulty, and associations with learning objectives.
51 Test Creation: Extra Credit If an extra credit item is answered correctly, points are added to the points correct. If an extra credit item is answered incorrectly, there is no penalty.
52 Assessment: Multiple Attempts Unlimited or a specific number of attempts Grading Options: –Grade of last Attempt (default) –Grade of first Attempt –Highest grade –Lowest grade –Average of grades Set Grading Options from – Gradebook Item Options – Item Information Modify Test, Test Options
53 Assessment: Clear Attempts One or all Users for a particular gradebook item –Last Attempt –First Attempt –Highest Attempt –Lowest Attempt –Attempts within a specific date range –All Attempts Override Grade of last attempt
54 Test Deployment: Self-Assessment Two self-assessment options: –Allow instructor and student to see grade –Only allow student to see the grade In both cases, grade is not included in final calculation Modify Test, Test Options
55 Test Deployment: Customized Feedback Previously instructor had to choose one of 4 options –Score Only –Detailed Results –Show Correct Answers –Detailed Results, Correct Answers and Feedback Now instructor can choose any or all of the following options. –Score –Submitted Answers –Correct Answers –Feedback
56 Assessment: Submission Report Now includes Username, Course ID, Name of Assessment, and Date of Submission Can be printed and used by student for Verification of Submission
57 Assessment Survey Results Download Instructors can download the results from the attempts of a test or survey to an outside application such as MS Excel. Supported question types: True/False and Multiple Choice. This allows further statistical analysis of the test/survey results outside of Blackboard
58 Assessment: Share and Reuse The new test export feature allows you to download and share tests and quizzes with other faculty members Export your test directly to your Content Collection for even more power* *with the Blackboard Content System™
59 Question Pools
60 Why Use Question Pools? Easily transfer questions from Course to Course by importing and exporting Question Pools Share and exchange Question Pools with colleagues Search Question Pools to locate questions quickly Randomize the order of questions presented to students in an Assessment
61 From Question Pools to Deploying a Test After creating a Question Pool… You must create a Test using the Question Pool as a source of test questions. CONTROL PANEL > TEST MANAGER You must deploy the Test from a Content Area. CONTROL PANEL > CONTENT AREA You must make the Test link visible to make the Test available to students. CONTENT AREA > (Test Name) > MODIFY > MODIFY THE TEST OPTIONS
62 Gradebook
63 Gradebook Scores from assessments and assignments are automatically recorded in the Gradebook Supports: –Custom grading scales –Grade weighting –Item analysis –Multiple gradebook views Gradebook Null option excludes incomplete items from Gradebook calculations Students can view their own grades
64 Gradebook Manually Add Items Manage Items Sorting Gradebook Grading Tests Assigning Categories Weight Grades Displaying Grades Set Grade Range Value Downloading Grades
65 Manually Add Items You can add Items to the Gradebook. This will create a column in the grade book for you to enter grades and manage grades.
66 Manage Items You can choose the order of the items in your Gradebook. Move items that you are working with closer to the names so that you do not need to scroll.
67 Sorting Gradebook You can click on the arrow above any column to sort that column. Click the arrow again to sort in reverse.
68 Working with Tests When you create a Test or Assignment in Blackboard, a column automatically will be generated. Blackboard will grade the Test (except Essay questions). Blackboard will let you grade any test which includes an Essay question by clicking on the exclamation point. !
69 Working with Tests Click the View Button to see your students’ work.
70 Assigning Categories You can assign categories to each of your items. This is needed for weighting and sorting items by category.
71 Weight Grades You can weight grades by Category or Item. You can add categories or choose from those already listed.
72 Displaying Grades You can choose how grades are displayed in your Gradebook. You can choose letter, score, percentage or text.
73 Set Grade Range Value If you choose to display your grades as letter, you can define the grade range.
74 Downloading Grades You should always backup your grades. You can download a copy of your Gradebook from Blackboard to your computer or diskette. A file downloads in Excel, which can be manipulated.
75 Student Performance and Reporting
76 Review Status Content items include a setting that allows students to mark those items as “Reviewed.” The User Progress page reports which students have reviewed the content item.
77 Performance Dashboard Allows instructors to see key information and outcomes for all course users. Displays the last time each user logged in, their course role, Adaptive Release criteria, Review Status for content items, and grades. Instructors can sort the information by multiple criteria. Useful in documenting student progress and involvement.
78 Course Statistics Provides usage data for an entire course. Reports may be run for data associated with all users in a course, individual users, groups, and/or Discussion Board forums. Beneficial in documenting student interactions with course tools and content areas and evaluating the instructional design of a course.
79 Resources and Materials
80 Tutorials
81 The Blackboard Community Users Conference Client Advisory Boards Listserve Behind the Blackboard for Administrators Regional User Groups Developer Community