Depth Perception Allows you to see the world in three dimensions (3D) Allows you to see the world in three dimensions (3D)
Binocular Depth Cues Used by both eyes Used by both eyes Convergence: muscle tension in eyes increases as objects move closer Convergence: muscle tension in eyes increases as objects move closer Retinal Disparity: each eye has a slightly different perspective & image than the other Retinal Disparity: each eye has a slightly different perspective & image than the other
Monocular Depth Cues What each eye uses separately to gain clues from a 2D image What each eye uses separately to gain clues from a 2D image Artists use these cues to create the illusion of depth in their paintings Artists use these cues to create the illusion of depth in their paintings
Relative Size Objects that are closer appear larger, while objects that are distant appear smaller Objects that are closer appear larger, while objects that are distant appear smaller
Relative Motion Apparent slowness indicates an object is distant. Apparent slowness indicates an object is distant.
Interposition Closer objects partially obstruct the view of more distant objects. Closer objects partially obstruct the view of more distant objects.
Relative Height Distant objects appear higher in your field of vision than close objects do. Distant objects appear higher in your field of vision than close objects do.
Texture Gradient Distant objects usually have a much smoother texture than nearby objects. Distant objects usually have a much smoother texture than nearby objects.
Relative Clarity Distant objects are less clear than nearby objects are.
Linear Perspective Parallel Lines appear to converge in the distance.
Homework Monocular Depth Cue drawing Monocular Depth Cue drawing WT8&list=PLF81BB6C1679D WT8&list=PLF81BB6C1679D2278