Rastafari - Birthday of Hallie Salasie Hallie Salasie is the man worshiped by people following the Rastafari religion Hallie Salasie the Emperor of Ethiopia
Lesson objectives Understand the basic beliefs of people who follow the Rastafari religion Understand Rastafarians celebrate Hallie Salasies Birthday
Bob Marley One of the most famous followers of the Rastafari religion was Bob Marley. Bob Marley sang songs about his religion and what they believed Bob Marley was an activist for peace
Your task 1) Listen to this song and follow the lyrics 2) When the song has finished try write a few lines explaining what you think the song could be about. Buffalo solider
Feedback What do you think the song was about? Hands up
Slavery in the America’s Black people were taken from Africa were taken to the USA and Caribbean to work as slaves on plantations. They were treated very badly White slave owners said this was okay because black people were not real humans
Release of the slaves The slave liberation process took a long time but eventually slaves were released. Martin Luther King lead the civil rights movement that lead to equal rights to all Blacks in America. During the times of slavery Black slaves in Jamaica developed their own religion still practiced today called Rastafari The USA now has a black president
What do Rastafari believe Lets look at the sheet that has been put on your table
Illegal Drugs Drugs are Illegal in nearly every single country. Rastafarians are peaceful people who do not break laws. Suggesting that Rasta’s smoke drugs is very offensive and would upset most Rastafarians.
Documentary about Rastafari We are going to watch a short documentary about Rastafari religion Watch carefully No talking or phones to come out Click me to play
Hallie Selassie’s Birthday card You are going to design a Birthday card that a Rasta could give to someone during this festival 1)Coloured in using red, yellow, green and black 2)Wish the receiver a happy message 3)Briefly explain why Rasta's celebrate Hallie Selassie’s birthday Card messages Have a great day celebrating Hallie Selassie’s birthday Happy Hallie Selassie’s Birthday Jah be with you as you celebrate this special day
Lesson objectives Understand the basic beliefs of people who follow the Rastafari religion Understand Rastafarians celebrate Hallie Salasies Birthday Well done guys!!! Objectives met!!!!
Plenary Hands up One thing you have learnt about Rastafari from today's lesson.