Ancona - Municipality Hall The principal point PP is the intersection of the three heights of the triangle with vertices the three V.P. The V.P. procedure can even be carried out in a graphical way, in addition to some very simple formulae. By means of the estimated transformation parameters, both facades are rectified. Here the lateral façade is geometrically corrected but obviously poor in quality. In the table we show the comparison between the interior orientation parameters from VP procedure and those estimated by the calibration of two cameras.
Table 1 - Calibration Vs Vanishing Points procedure – ( pixel ) CalibrationVP ProcedureDifferences 1Fuji GSW69 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 2Fuji GSW69 distortion corrected X % Y % C % 3Rectified image X % Y % C % 4Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 5Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 6Fuji Finepix4900 distortion corrected X % Y % C % Table 1 - Calibration Vs Vanishing Points procedure – ( pixel ) CalibrationVP ProcedureDifferences 1Fuji GSW69 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 2Fuji GSW69 distortion corrected X % Y % C % 3Rectified image X % Y % C % 4Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 5Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 6Fuji Finepix4900 distortion corrected X % Y % C % Table 1 - Calibration Vs Vanishing Points procedure – ( pixel ) CalibrationVP ProcedureDifferences 1Fuji GSW69 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 2Fuji GSW69 distortion corrected X % Y % C % 3Rectified image X % Y % C % 4Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 5Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 6Fuji Finepix4900 distortion corrected X % Y % C % Table 1 - Calibration Vs Vanishing Points procedure – ( pixel ) CalibrationVP ProcedureDifferences 1Fuji GSW69 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 2Fuji GSW69 distortion corrected X % Y % C % 3Rectified image X % Y % C % 4Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 5Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 6Fuji Finepix4900 distortion corrected X % Y % C % Table 1 - Calibration Vs Vanishing Points procedure – ( pixel ) CalibrationVP ProcedureDifferences 1Fuji GSW69 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 2Fuji GSW69 distortion corrected X % Y % C % 3Rectified image X % Y % C % 4Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 5Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 6Fuji Finepix4900 distortion corrected X % Y % C % Table 1 - Calibration Vs Vanishing Points procedure – ( pixel ) CalibrationVP ProcedureDifferences 1Fuji GSW69 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 2Fuji GSW69 distortion corrected X % Y % C % 3Rectified image X % Y % C % 4Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 5Fuji Finepix4900 No distortion corrected X % Y % C % 6Fuji Finepix4900 distortion corrected X % Y % C %
P F 3 (3 Punti di Fuga) Program in Visual Basic 6.0 By. Gianluca Gagliardini 4)
images Rectification Digital ruler PF3 ? Determination of the camera parameters
adjustment: three orthogonal bundles, the vanishing points camera Parameters in pixel
Digital ruler: From 2D to 3D with a single image (0,0,0) Three steps: fix an origine points fix an origine points ( it implies a scale selection) ( it implies a scale selection) fix a distance d fix a distance d measure along the object edges parallel to the three main directions measure along the object edges parallel to the three main directions Cube image plane d
Origine Measure mode Fix a reference distance Measure
GEOMETRY OF THE VANISHING POINTS BY PF3 PROGRAM Three families of parallel lines, lying on three perpendicular planes
Determination of the three vanishing points by intersection of lines parallel in the object
Computation of the the co-ordinates of the three vanishing points orientation parameters –rotation angles –interior orientation parameters parameters of the rectified image