After listening to “Exploring Nature”, in your groups discuss the following question. 1. How can the number of shared characteristics help scientists determine how closely related 2 organisms are?
Using the plant cards, place an “X” in the box if the character is present.
Pictures: Algaehttp://
Moss Images :
Fern Images:
Conifer Images: _rain/temprain.htmlgy.html
Flowering Plant flower Images;
Compare your table to the table below. Make an corrections as needed.
Looking at your corrected table, answer the following questions. 2. What does the pattern of data for “makes seeds” say about the relationships among the 5 plants and alga? 3.What does the pattern of data for “grows > 10 cm tall” say about the relationships among the 5 plants and alga?
In a team of two, use all of the data in your table to create a diagram in your notebook that summarizes how the 5 plants and alga are related.
Trade notebooks with the group next to you. Do not tell them how to read the diagram. Try to determine the patter of relationships on your teammate’s diagram. Look for similarities and differences.
Now explain how to read the diagram to your teammates. Both members of the team need to fill out a feedback card and give it the team you traded with. Revise your diagram with a different colored pen or pencil.
On a big piece of paper, work with your partner to draw your final diagram.
Analysis 5. Using a different colored pen/pencil, revise your answer for #1, based on what you have learned using this activity. 6. Select 1 diagram from your class that you think most clearly represents the relationships among the organisms. Write 3 sentences explaining what the diagram has that makes it easy to understand.
Draw this diagram. This diagram shows the relationship between plants and alga. Does the shape of this diagram remind you of any particular living organism?
Looking at scientific relationships Using the diagram that you and your partner created place the following characteristics onto the tree where you see stars. A. Has chloroplast (green color) B. Has cells C. All species have more than 1 cell. D. Grows > 10cm tall E. Makes seeds F. Makes cones G. Makes flowers
Is the whale more closely related to the dog or the fish?
Compare & Contrast Is the whale more closely related to the dog or the fish?
Compare & Contrast Explain whether the relationships shown on the two evolutionary trees are the same of different?
Looking a the big picture
Reading a cladogram
Another example
Video Use this video for further information. I1k3k
Interactive Tree of Life The following website can be used to view some living things and their ancestors. ve/