Unit II: Lesson 1 What Units Make Up Living Things?
Protozoans A small, animal-like microbe.
Algae A small, plant-like microbe.
Cells The smallest size life form ( plants and animals).
Cell membrane Is a cell covering that protects the cell.
Nucleus Control center or brain of a cell.
Cytoplasm The area in between the cell membrane and the nucleus of a cell.
Lesson 2- Jobs of a Cell’s Parts Cell wall Unique to plant cells; a nonliving woody matter also known as cellulose.
Chloroplasts Part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll. Gives plants plant cell their green colour.
Chlorophyll Makes food for plant cells.
Unit II: Lesson 2 Jobs of a Cell’s Parts
Cell wall Unique to plant cells; a nonliving woody matter also known as cellulose.
Chloroplasts Part of a plant cell that contains chlorophyll. Gives plant cells their green colour.
Chlorophyll Makes food for plant cells
Vacuoles Bubble-like parts in a cell that stores water and food
DNA An acid found within the nucleus that contains a code or pattern. It controls how living things look and act.
Unit II: Lesson 3 How do Cells Work Together?
Tissue A group of cells that do a special job. These cells are all alike and do the same work.
Organs Groups of tissues that do special jobs. Egs. Hand, eye, heart
System A group of organs that work together. Eg. Circulatory System – Blood, Heart, Lungs, Blood vessels
Unit II: Lesson 4 How Living Things are Grouped
Species A group of organisms that have all the same structures
Genus More than one species that are alike in many ways. A scientific name includes both the genus and species. Eg. Cats – Felis domestica (1-genus, 2- species)
Family The grouping of similar genera (plural of genus.) Eg. Felidae
Order The grouping of similar families. Eg. Carnivora
Class The grouping of similar orders. Eg. Mammalia
Phyla The grouping of several classes. Eg. Vertebrates
Kingdom The largest grouping used by biologists.
Lesson 5- The simplest living things Monerans Microbes with just one cell. No definite nucleus, some live together in chains or colonies. Egs. Bacteria, Blue-Green Algae
Protists May have just one cell. Their cells have a nucleus. Egs. Prorozoans, Parasites, plant- like algae (cell walls, make their own food)
Fungi Many-celled, cannot make their own food. Live off of dead matter. Egs. Mushrooms, yeasts, mold
Virus Microbes that cause disease. Non-classified, they do not fit into any kingdom. Are they even alive? No real nucleus or cytoplasm.
Lesson 6- The main Groups of Plants There are two broad groups of plants or phylum. The grouping depends on how the plants takes up water.
Vascular plants Have true leaves, stems, and roots. They include ferns, grasses, shrubs, and trees. Three classes-1)ferns, 2)conifers, 3)flowering plants
Non-vascular plants Have no veins to carry water. They include mosses and liverworts. Grow where it is damp or moist.
Lesson 7- The Main Groups of Animals Vertebra The individual bone in an animal’s spine. (plural- vertebrae)
Vertebrates Animals with backbones.
Invertebrates Animals with no backbones. Most phyla of animals have to backbones. Egs. Insects and worms.