Multi-Rater Assessments The Next Step in Your Professional Development from ICMA University
2 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments What Are They? Multiple perspectives--up to 26 respondents Feedback on your work behaviors Confidential feedback reports and interpretation Performance-Based Assessment developed by ICMA and the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at GSU Professional Development Planning Assessment developed by ICMA and CCi Surveys International Based on Practices for Effective Local Government Management Completed online
3 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments What Are They? A tool to help you Identify your professional strengths Identify areas for improvement Complete your professional development plan Maintain Credentialed Manager status Not a performance evaluation
4 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments How Do They Help Me Maintain Credentialed Status? Performance-Based Assessment, Professional Development Planning Assessment, or an alternative is required every 5 years Requirement is waived for Retired Credentialed Managers and is postponed, upon request, for members in transition Credentialing Advisory Board is very flexible and will work with members who have extenuating circumstances
5 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments Who Participates? You (self-assessment) Your supervisor, if you have one Up to 25 other respondents you select
6 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments How Do I Get Started? Step 1 : Invite people to participate (people in your organization who are familiar with your work) Adapt ICMA model communication found at to tell respondents What the assessment is What respondents will be expected to do That results will be reported by group (except for supervisor) To check spam filter if they don’t receive assessment via
7 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments What Next? Step 2 : Choose and purchase your assessment Click link in the Credentialing section of Or go to Choose Performance-Based Assessment ($245) or Professional Development Planning Assessment ($200) Purchase online with a credit card
8 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments What Next? Step 3 : Organize respondents into meaningful groups, for example: Elected officials who hired you Elected officials elected later Department heads (may be several groups) Key staff (may be several groups)
9 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments Respondent Groups At least 4 respondents per group Results reported by group, not by individual (except self and supervisor ) Results not reported for a group if fewer than 3 respond
10 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments What Next? Step 4 : Record participant names and addresses on electronic form Step 5 : Submit form to assessment administrator, CCi Surveys International Within one to 48 hours, CCi sends each participant an with – Instructions – Link to the online assessment
11 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessment What Do Respondents Do? Respondents complete the assessment individually (about an hour for the PBA and minutes for the PDPA) Respondents can stop and finish later; responses are saved Respondents submit results to Cci You complete a self-assessment (same questions)
12 ICMA Performance-Based Assessment What Are the Questions Like? 1. Importance ratings: Rate the importance of each of the 17 Practice 2. Performance ratings: Rate performance on 123 statements – Expected level of performance – Current level of performance Plus one open-ended question for additional feedback
13 ICMA Professional Development Planning Assessment What Are the Questions Like? 1. Importance ratings: Rate the importance of each of the 17 Practices (1-5 scale or n/a) 2.Behavior ratings: Rate behavior on 62 statements Plus four open-ended question for additional feedback
14 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments What Kind of Feedback Will I Receive? Performance-Based Assessment: 8 confidential feedback reports with detailed gap analysis Summary reports Reports by respondent group Professional Development Planning Assessment: Summary reports Open-ended comments are not reported by group for confidentiality reasons
15 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments How Can I Use the Results? Participant’s Guide helps you interpret the reports What each report means How you can use the results to – Maintain your strengths – Communicate with your respondents – Plan your professional development
16 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments Summary: Select respondents Invite them to participate Purchase the assessment of your choice Organize respondents into groups Record respondents’ names, groupings, and addresses Provide respondent list to CCi Complete a self-assessment Use the reports and Participant’s Guide as the next step in your professional development
17 ICMA Multi-Rater Assessments Questions? Please contact Jenese Jackson,