PowerPoint 2010 Competency Test Apply a design template to this presentation
Create a Comparison Slide Create a new slide after this one and apply the “Comparison” layout In the heading of this new slide, type “The Monarch Butterfly” On the left side, enter the title “Life Cycle” and insert Smart Art with the “Basic Cycle” layout into the placeholder. In four of the cycle steps, enter the life cycle of the butterfly: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Delete the fifth step. On the right side, enter “Photo” as the title; then use the “Insert Clip Art” button to add a photo of an adult butterfly inside the placeholder. Your final slide should resemble the example on the next slide.
Add Multimedia On YouTube, find an appropriate video on the life cycle of a butterfly. Choose the “Share” button to display the embed code. Note: you must select the option to “Use Old Embed Code.” PowerPoint 2010 does not support HTML5 style embed codes. Copy this embed code. Then, on the ribbon, choose “Insert > Video > Video from Web Site” and insert the YouTube embed code here.
Insert Equations Add a new line following this one, and insert the binomial theorem using the Ribbon option Insert > Equation Remove any bullets from the line with the equation, and center the equation on the slide.
Record a Narration You will need a microphone for this activity; your computer’s built-in microphone should be fine or you may request one from Jackie King. Use the Ribbon option “Insert > Audio > Record Audio…” to record yourself saying the following verse: Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1:31. Ensure that your recording will play back when you show the presentation as a slide show.
Printing Handouts and Speaker Notes Print this slide show as a handout, formatted with 9 slides per page. In lieu of actually sending me the hard copy, you may take a screen print of the print preview and paste it here:
Broadcasting your Presentation On the Ribbon, click Broadcast Slide Show. You will be asked to sign in with a Windows Live ID. Your Windows Live ID is your PCA username (i.e., “jking”) followed by After signing in and agreeing to the terms, you will get an link to your broadcast. Send the link to
Running a Slide Show On the Ribbon, click Set Up Slide Show. Notice the options for creating a self-running slide show. Run your slide show and experiment with the simulated “laser pointer” (CTRL-left mouse button). your completed presentation to me as a.pptx file.