Adjectives Adjectives describe or modify nouns or pronouns. Noun = shoes His shoes are red. There are three shoes. The shoes are shiny.
Adverbs Adverbs describe or modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. He ran quickly. He ran very quickly. She is really busy. She is not worried.
More About Adverbs Adjectives can usually be made into adverbs by adding “ly” to the end. Quick => Quickly Beautiful => Beautifully Sneaky => Sneakily Expensive => Expensively
Practice 1.Write each sentence. 2.Underline the adjectives. 3.Circle the adverbs.
1 The mean teacher angrily called parents.
2 The bitter student did not care.
3 The very sleepy student took a quick nap.
4 The old dog could barely wag his tail.
5 Six sacks were secretly stacked with sticks.
Answers 1.The mean teacher angrily called parents. 2.The bitter student did not care. 3.The very sleepy student took a quick nap. 4.The old dog could barely wag his tail. 5.Six sacks were secretly stacked with sticks.
Think of a place. Imagine yourself/someone there. Who? What? When? Where? Why?
The sun sets as I stand on the Florida beach, and it occurs to me that this is my first vacation in years. Who – I What – standing When – sunset Where – Florida Why – on vacation
What is imagery?
Imagery an author's use of vivid and descriptive language to add depth to their work. It appeals to human senses to deepen the reader's understanding of the work.
Showing vs. Telling
Telling Sentence It was an unusual cat. Showing Sentence With yellow eyes glowing red, long, black fur that stood on end, a mouth full of sharp pointed teeth that emitted a yowl like a tiger, I knew that the small animal before me was no ordinary cat.
Telling Sentence The pizza was delicious. A showing PARAGRAPH Mushrooms and pepperoni sausage formed thick layers on top of one another while the white mozzarella cheese bubbled over the bright red tomato sauce. Each time I took a bite I planned it so that I got a taste of every luscious ingredient. My taste buds celebrated every single time! Oooh, so good.
His fingers moved down Mary's neck. Mary's heart thrummed when his fingers slid down her neck. Petals fell from the blooming trees on a sunny day. Pink petals fluttered from the trees like cotton-candy snow in the spring sun. Jimmy hit the smoke alarm, opened the door, and threw the burning pan outside. Jimmy slapped the smoke alarm, flung open the door, and tossed the flaming pan out into the rain. Jesse touched the green grass; it was very soft. Jesse's fingertips brushed the grass. The delicate blades, hardy from recent rains, felt like eiderdown.
You try... She was so sad when she lost her puppy. The garden was beautiful. It was a stormy night. The cake was delicious. It was an exciting day.
Now...back to your place.. Add in the 5 senses: Smell Taste Sight Touch Sound
The sun sets, painting the entire sky in shades of pink and orange. As I dig my toes into the cool Florida sand, I take a deep breath and smile; this is my first vacation in five years! The last rays of sunshine cast a warm glow on my face and I close my eyes and listen to the soft sounds of waves crashing in the clear, blue ocean. Sight – pink/orange sunset, clear/blue ocean Touch – cool sand, warm glow Sound – waves crashing