Overview and Organization
Overview of Federal Program Monitoring Background Preparing for FPM During FPM
USDE Monitors California (US Department of Education) OIG Investigates Waste, Mismanagement or Wrongdoing (Office of the Inspector General) Simpson & Simpson Single Audit Required for Federal Funds CDE FPM Process (California Department of Education ) Who is responsible for compliance? Why?
4 Background: Purpose: The purpose of the review is to ensure that schools are spending the funding as required by law. FPM
1. Adult Education and Family Literacy Act 2. Before and After School Programs Office (BASP) (NCLB Title IV, Part B [21stCCLC]; [ASSETs]; & [ASES]) 3. Career Technical Education (CTE) 4. Child Development (CD) 5. Compensatory Education (CE) (NCLB Title I, Pt. A) 6. Education Equity (EE) 7. English Learner (EL) (including NCLB Title III) 8. Fiscal Monitoring (FM) 9. Homeless Education (HE) (NCLB Title X, Pt. C) 10. Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) (NCLB Title II, Pt.A) 11. Migrant Education (ME) (NCLB Title I, Pt. C) 12. Neglected or Delinquent (NorD) (NCLB Title I, Pt. D) 13. Physical Education (PE) 14. Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) 5
Academic Achievement Compliance History Program Size Fiscal Analysis Random Selection 6
Program Instruments Contain the legal requirements pertaining to a specific program Used to determine whether a LEA is meeting legal requirements 7
Preparing for FPM Review CE 1: LEA Parent Involvement Policy CE 2: School Parent Involvement Policy CE 7: School Site Council Composition CE 8: SSC Approves SPSA CE 9: Parent Communication CE 18: Supplement not Supplant CE 19: Time Accounting CE 20: Equipment Inventory CE 25: Posting of SARC CE 27: SPSA Evaluation CE 28: Highly Qualified Teachers CE 29: Paraprofessionals Meet Qualifications CE 30: Professional Development 8 others reviewed at the central level, 2 not applicable in LAUSD, and 10 Waived by the CORE Waiver
CE Item Describes the evidence you will need to provide for each CE Item. Organization: Folders in both electronic and hard copy format
Create a main Compensatory Education folder on your desktop, my documents, or other accessible location. Within the folder, label a folder for each program item number.
May/June Names of schools released and Central Office will notify programs, local districts, and school sites through an interoffice correspondence August 1, FPM Informational Meeting for Program Administrators September 29, FPM Informational Meeting for School Teams and Directors November & December Mock reviews December Document collection for SY February 6-24, FPM Review Feb. 6- Entrance Meeting at Beaudry Feb. 7- School Visits Begin
LD Title I Coordinators will help you review POs, P-Card Transactions, Invoices, Plan Pages, Equipment Inventory and Time Reporting Documentation). Site Entrance Meeting (LAUSD Team meets with the principal and selected staff) Introductions Brief School Comments (PowerPoint) Schedule and Logistics Interviews of Program Staff Interview School Site Council and English Learner Advisory Committee Members Observation of Instructional Setting Review Student Confidential Records Debriefing
Comments from School Vision Statement Three Small Learning Communities Career and Technical Education Funded by Perkins School Leadership Team Program Identification and Demographics State Assessment Data and A-G College Readiness Strengths and Challenges Attributes of SLCs Categorically Funded Personnel EL Program and Title III School Measurable Objectives, Addressing School-Wide Student Needs and Intervention Parent Involvement Uniform Complaint Procedures Student Activities Final Thoughts
What kinds of professional development activities have you attended this year? How were the topics selected? What research supports the strategies used to improve student achievement? How are students referred to you for services? How do you know if students are improving? Tell us about this council/committee? How often do you meet? How did you become a member? What kinds of items are covered on your agendas? What kind of training have you had to enable you to understand your role and be successful in carrying out your responsibilities? How have you been involved in the development and revision of the school plan? How have you been involved in making decisions regarding use of the school's categorical budget?
Mathematics Language Arts ELD Computer Lab Parent Center
In anticipation of FPM, FSEP has begun reviewing non-salary expenditures when paid for in the following three forms: Imprest Review- REF P-Card/Review- BUL-6518 Purchase Orders Review- Procurement Manual
The following are the only allowable Title I expenditures when using a school’s Imprest account: Admissions to approved educational activities -Ref and Ref Conference Registration Fees to Title I-allowed conferences – BUL Allowable parent training and parent travel expenses Contract Bus Services -Bul Supplemental Instructional Materials-
The only P-Card expenditures that can be reconciled with Title I funds are: Admission Fees (preapproval required) Conference Registration Fees Supplementary Instructional Materials for items described in the Program and Budget Handbook. Other charges to the school’s P-card, even if they are allowed by Title I and in the SPSA, could be subject to payback.
Purchase Orders, payable through Title I, may be used to pay for the following; Curricular Trips Staff Conference Attendance Software License Maintenance Professional Service Contracts Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM)
The page from the SPSA and A & Js or SPSA Update that specifically describes the item(s) purchased.
Based on our reviews we have found the following; SIM, available through the School’s Warehouse, is not being purchased through the Warehouse Items being charged to the wrong line (ex. SLM instead of SIM) Expenditures not in compliance with Title I regulations (ex. non-curricular trips, general supplies, toner) Expenditures purchased last year were not reconciled by the end of the school year.
If a school is found to be out of compliance, they will have to repay the amount of the expenditure out of their General Funds (ex , 13027)
Imprest claims are reviewed as soon as they are received by our office. P-Card and Purchase Orders are reviewed three times a year (fall, winter and spring)
Temo Arroyo Gerardo Cervantes