Charity Whitehead Introduction
My name is Charity Whitehead and I am a 34 year old Virginia native. I was born, raised, and still live in Virginia. My previous positions include employment as a Secretary for a funeral home for a little over a year and as a Member Service Representative at a credit union for about 10 years. I am starting a new position next week as a Retail Wireless Consultant for a mobile technology company.
My educational background consists of an Associate’s degree in Information Technology that was obtained from Bryant and Stratton College in 2000 and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration that was received from Ashford University in I am again enrolled in Ashford University pursing a Master’s of Education degree with a concentration in Family and Community Services.
My personal interests include being a part of a social group called the Anointed Daughters of Eve and a fraternal organization called the Daughters of Elk. Both organizations are community based. I also am a certified wedding and event planner and interior decorator. I enjoy practicing those talents in my spare time.
I my years as a K-12 student, I was always taught by my parents that I needed to study and make good grades. I was not allowed to miss any days of school. My mother is a nurse so she made sure that I didn’t get sick a lot. I didn’t miss any days until my eleventh grade year when I had to go to the emergency room for abdominal pain. Other than that grading period I received perfect attendance from Kindergarten to Twelfth grade. My mother is a hard working lady. She always made sure her grades were excellent throughout school. Seeing her attend college while I was still in high school gave me the courage to move forward and pursue what is possible in life. She never gave up, no matter what was going on physically or mentally. We didn’t have much money growing up, but she found a way to do her school work and make sure I was fine.
I do not currently work in the education field. I am looking to use my degree and move toward social work or social services. I am hoping with my degree I can educate, inform, and advise children, their parents, and guardians of their well being and helping them find the available resources they need to live a healthy life.
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” -Author Unknown