Men and woman who burn in charity and loyalty to the kingdom
1. Statistics 2014 PropedeuticApplicantsNovitiateTeology Perpetual Votes Especialization Studies Initial Formation
2. Organism Priorities 2.1. Youth-Vocational Pastoral
2.2. Biblic Pastoral and Biblic Animation of the Pastoral Accompanying different communities and pastorals to take the necessary steps that allow us to make a Biblical Pastoral Animation without neglecting the Biblical Pastoral. Biblical Provincial Assembly Experience is performed as a featured element of shared mission and workspace with others and to encourage other provincial biblical work. Are performed with the experiences of Biblical Training, whether in Bible Schools Claretian (EBICLAS), courses, workshops, seminars, classes or levels. It’s motivating in the Venezuela Region the creation of Zonal Biblical Teams from the criteria of shared mission. It contributes and works with other training experiences and biblical support that requests us presence. We bond to biblical networks of Colombia, Venezuela and Latin America. We bond to the work experiences of, pastoral and biblical training to the initiatives presented to us from the JPIC as an experience of closeness and support to the most vulnerable. Is presented Bible work experience and training as proposal to young people involved in our communities. Have been created a blog of Provincial bible pastoral and linked to Website of the Province. Ensures that all Biblical Zonal Teams and their respective centers to become companions of the FUCLA experience in the promotion, dissemination and study of the Bible. Supports of Promoting and selling “La Biblia de nuestro pueblo” and “Diario Bíblico” as prayer instruments, study and deepening of the God’s Word Zonal teams of biblical pastoral based on People and Community Reading of the word, were consolidated in the 7 areas of the province. Biblical Centers both Colombia and Venezuela were strengthened. In Colombia it is linked to the Claretian University Foundation. From the Centers opens spaces and training materials are created and recreated critical and contextualized study clearly on global hermeneutics, that brings us to the specific hermeneutical: child, female, urban, rural, young, afro etc.
2.3. Justice, Peace and Creation Integrity -Creation of the Province JPIC Secretariate. -Exists JPIC delegates in the 7 Province Zones, also each zone counts with a JPIC zonal project. -Have been consolidated base teams of JPIC on each local comunities and apostolic Jobs of the province. -They have accompanied the victims of state violence of our mission centers and apostolic works through subsidies, forums, workshops, and certificate. -We continue to strengthen the organizational processes of African descent and indigenous peasants. -Is performing with the zonal teams a materia production exercise of JPIC since biblic Reading with the zonal Teams. -was created in the regions of Colombia and Venezuela interdisciplinary teams of reflection of human rights and protection of creation. -Relationship with HR organization at local, regional and international levels. -Creation of the JPIC school for training missionaries. -Implementation of ICT to record and report work JPIC provincial page, blog and social networks Facebook -Training of youth leaders in HR.
2.4. Information and Comunication Technologies CriteriaAction Lines a. Dialog Implementation of comunication and cooperation networks. b. Formation Training in communication media and TIC (ICT) media c. Inclusion Participative and social commitment d. Innovation Projects Execution and application of TIC (ICT). e. PromotionMusic, Literature, craftsmanship production, etc.. f. Challenge Consolidate the Comunication Pastoral team and in the future, study the need of merge their work with the Cultural Pastoral. g. Continuity Implement Information Storage process safeguarding the history of the congregation
3. Other Priorities Cultural Pastoral The key challenge of evangelization from multiculturalism is to discover the presence and action of God in the events of history as the mother of the cultures from the beautiful, the good and the true that is discovered in their practice of law, for must assume the task of the faith and culture as one of its most important goals in that dialogue is the basis for a generator lifestyle evangelism. Our evangelism, rooted in the spirit of the Gospel requires experience in every culture the ardor of charity, love, justice and truth in the life of every people. Specific line of action of evangelization from multiculturalism The recognition of the other as different, but all subjects and humanization of God's action in history. This implies a dialogue of knowledge and experience in which we evangelize and are evangelized, leading to the project happen Kingdom of Jesus of Nazareth. Organization: a. One delegate. b. 14 cultural experiences. c. 1 team in the different areas of the province. d. 14 Claretians. e. Several centers are attached to the department of cultural extension of FUCLA all work based on Cultural Pastoral project of the province. g. Two annual meetings for training, evaluation and programming are implemented.
4. Strategic Positions The mission of Chocó: in response to the option for the poor and marginalized in our society with projects such as: Early Childhood, ethnic education, Indigenous Pastoral, Pastoral Afro, development projects, Bible Center Road as a way to explain our vocation of listeners and servers of the word. FUCLA Claretian University Foundation: in response to a pressing need Chocó and other regions in the field of higher education. Hogares Claret: urgent response as wings victims who have left drugs, drug trafficking and armed conflict in our country. Claretian Colleges: as centers of humanization and personalization evangelization. Cultural Pastoral: as a form of resistance against official violence and dialogue as compared to new fields of modern and with the great traditions of our peoples society. Communication Pastoral: Media as an experience in which communication can be filtered. Urban and rural parishes as platforms for the new evangelization. map
5. Apostolate Prefecture Organization The prefecture is organized into 9 areas in the province intends to apply the guidelines and congregational priorities: Bible, reeducation, child-youth-vocational Pastoral, parish, JIPC, religious life, culture and communication. Each of these areas has a project and a team manager or trainer. The Prefecture of Apostolate in collaboration with the prefect of the Provincial spirituality and have sought to coordinate the various pastoral. This has been difficult because of the volume and extent of the new province this has fragmented the government team responsible facing a crisis of leadership that exist in the province, is why the recently held Assembly raises an obligation: free the Prefect of Apostolate for coordination Prefectural full-time creation of Apostolate Council. Pastoral delegate some responsibilities to other members of the province and create a center of pastoral services comprises the following secretariats: JPIC, Youth Ministry, Bible and Media.
6. Challenges in the Apostolate Area Continue to review positions especially our presence in urban parishes. Work-assimilation processes to ensure the programming sequence-realization- evaluation in our apostolic works. Continue to strengthen a climate of fraternity in the new province of Colombia- Venezuela, increasing the destiny of a country to another in both directions. With great prudence and discretion to build bridges with our brothers in the province of-Colombia-Ecuador, creating a climate of confidence that helps us collaboration in various apostolic and educational fields. Prepare some people to work in the Claretian FUCLA, Hogares Claret University Foundation, as well as for the field of social communications and biblical pastoral. Explore the possibility of a new pastoral position peripheral areas in Venezuela or Colombia. Apply in the province-Colombia-Venezuela conclusions of the meeting of JPIC Vic Track qualifying pastoral education in our schools involving all teachers in the Claretian charism.
7. Province Activities 1. Encourage and accompany the various fronts of the province, sparking 4 congregational priorities. 2. Animation different fronts missionary work JIPC. 3. Fostering and promoting biblical animation of the province. 4. Promote and accompany our missionary work with the new generations. 5. Strengthen Mission Procure. 6. Promote the creation of the Cultural Pastoral. 7. Creating the Communication Pastoral. 8. Making, monitoring and evaluation of the missionary projects in some of the local communities. 9. Encounters: Pastors, Cultural Pastoral, Youth, Vocational, Pastoral Education, Pastoral Afro and Indigenous Pastoral, JIPC