By: Adrianne Hensley EDU 620 Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology Dr. Hall February 6 th, 2016 A presentation by a District Educator
Parents will begin the night with a scavenger hunt with their children using their cellphones/tablets or any type of device with a scanner.
Students and parents will be set up at a station full of various IPAD’s and various websites used in the classroom
“The goal of Universal Design for Learning is to proactively value diversity such that supports are embedded into instructional materials before any students k- 12 needs them.” ( UDL consist of multiple means of representation.
Our mission is to ensure the learning of all students, and to utilize various means of representation to increase students universal success. Students will learn critical thinking skills and problem solving in multiple technological areas.
Students will be able to use multiple means of technology to problem solve and think critically. Students will be able to use technology to increase rigor and higher levels of thinking for diverse learners to make learning universal.
Career Development Health Science Marketing and Entreprenuership Agricultrual Trade and Industrial Technology, Engineering and Design Family and Coansumer Sciences Buisness, Finance and Information Technology
Technology, Engineering and Design Students will learn how to problem solve and critically think while designing and building on programs on the computer that are 3D and allow the students to see their design and how it looks before constructiong
Technology can be used universally, in all grades with all genders and all races to increase success. Keeps all types of learners engaged and motivated to continue learning.
More students motivated Students are 21 st century prepared learners Students are able to handle real-world scenarios Students are able to learn multiple ways and express their learning multiple ways Technology helps a children to learn at their own pace Increases collaboration and social skills
Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. Retrieved from Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education ( Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (n.d.). Career and technical education related links. Retrieved from ndex.html ndex.html Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.) Framework for 21st Century Learning. Retrieved from work/p21-frameworkhttp:// work/p21-framework Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.) ICT Literacy. Retrieved from