Mrs. D’Amico
We are off to a new and exciting school year! So far, it has been a pleasure working with such a wonderful group of children. I am very excited to have the opportunity to educate and grow with your children.
Get a good night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast before school Prepare to work your hardest in all classes Have all necessary materials should be at desk before class begins Dress appropriately for school Speak appropriately in school Study each night Learn to balance/organize your busy schedule and manage your time wisely Have fun learning
Chew gum or eat candy in class Wear hats in class Walk around the room unless you need to get a tissue, use the bathroom, sharpen pencils, use a dictionary or hand in work…it is a distraction to other students in the class Use foul language in school Keep cell phones on in school… they are to be kept OFF in your backpack Cheat (copying assignments from one another/Internet, wandering eyes during tests, etc.) Lie to family, friends, or faculty Physically or verbally fight with anyone in school Leave school angry…DO talk to us about your concerns
Curriculum focuses on geography and ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Emphasis on cross-curricular learning Junior Scholastic magazine, newspaper articles used to incorporate current events Brain Pop Learning Games Current Events Research Paper in the Spring after NJASK
Tests & Projects-40% Quizzes-30% Homework-15% Classwork and Participation-15% Extra Credit
Homework website; please check it to see your child’s homework (updated daily) Brainpop User name: ss2007 Password: ss Social Studies website information: User name: socialstudies3456 Password: slocum2012
Extra help is available if a child needs it Available at 7:30 am each morning Morning reviews 2 mornings before tests. Set up an appointment with the appropriate teacher Classroom Rules: 1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 2. Follow directions the first time they are given. 3. Come prepared to class with all appropriate materials. 4. Respect others at all times- NO BULLYING! 5. Respect the property of your classmates at all times.
Rewards: Praise Prizes/Stickers/No homework pass/Plus 5 cards Positive notes sent home Special privileges (These rewards will be given based on both an individual and whole class basis.) Consequences: 1 st offense: verbal warning 2 nd offense: 3 minutes late to lunch 3 rd offense: 6 minutes late to lunch After 3 consecutive offenses, the teacher will make a call home to discuss the next steps in solving the discipline problem. If need be, the principal will also be notified, and in severe cases the student will be sent directly to the principal’s office.
(social studies)
(art) (art) (chorus) (music) (music) (technology) (world language) (health)