Welcome Parents! Back to School Night 2013 Mrs. Danielle Kopp 10 th grade College Prep British Literature
Mrs. Danielle Kopp Contact Information: Phone: X460 Please don’t hesitate to contact me or have your child contact me. is the best way to reach me! Please use my website as a resource for homework, important information, assignment information, etc.
10 th grade British Literature Course Overview Throughout the school year students will explore various genres of British literature. Focus will be on increasing analytical reading and writing skills as well as speaking skills. Students will be writing daily and writing tasks will vary from short responses to research papers. Non-fiction text will also be read and used as a means of connecting literature to the modern world. Students will participate in weekly vocabulary and GUMS (grammar, usage, mechanics) exercises. Students are responsible for reading all major works at home and will need to keep up with the reading schedule. Our curriculum does follow the CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
Major Works may include: Beowulf, The Iliad, The Odyssey, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing, Dracula by Bram Stoker, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, and Les Miserables by Victor Hugo We will also be reading various poems, non-fiction articles, and excerpts.
Homework Weekly vocabulary with a bi-weekly quiz. Unit quiz once a month. Article reviews Finalizing papers – all papers will be submitted through Turnitin.com. – If Turn it in doesn’t work, ME the paper! READING with annotations. This course will be rigorous and challenging for many students but I am here to help them along the way! I will not accept less than their best! That doesn’t necessarily mean an “A” but the best for each individual student. I have academic assistance on Day 3 during Lunch A in room 417
Grading Policy School wide grading policy: Summative assessments (common assessments, tests, papers) = 60% Formative assessments(quizzes, journal entries, etc.) = 30% Homework = 10% These colors will coordinate with the type of assessment in my grade book on Genesis. NO late work will be accepted – department policy. If there is an issue or emergency, contact me! Absences follow the school absence policy.
Important Classroom Expectations Respect! NO CELL PHONES! Cheating will not be tolerated. Students can have a bottle of water but no coffee please. Students must be on time to class or they will be marked late! After 10 minutes that late becomes an absence.
10 th Grade Class Trip October 24, 2013, we have planned a trip to take the kids to see Lord of the Flies, the play, at East Stroudsburg University. Cost is $20 per student; they can bring or buy lunch. Need to get a count by September 16 th so if your child wants to attend, please send the money in ASAP. Permission slips will follow. RL : Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment.
Thank you for coming! Any questions?