Pi Theta Epsilon January 2014
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Agenda: Overview of the semester OT 2 rep Sam & Louie’s Fundraiser St. Catherine’s challenge Distinguished Lecturer Upcoming Elections Student Conclave Report Journal Club
Spring 2014 Important Dates Mark your calendar! 1/20/14Jan Chapter meeting (Catherine talk about student conclave) 2/17/14Feb Chapter meeting (intro to officer positions for elections next meeting) 2/21/14Sam & Louis Fundraiser 3/3/14March Chapter meeting 3/3/14Elections 3/22/14Spring Banquet (all school…fyi) 3/26/14Distinguished Lecture 4/3-4/6National Conference 4/7/14April Chapter meeting 4/10/14PHPSG Lunch (will need volunteers to cook & serve) 4/23/14Officer transition meeting 5-8pm (mandatory for current and new) 5/12-16Finals week!
OT 2 rep is…. Lindsay Records! Congratulations Lindsay Lindsay will serve as the voice of the OT 2 class during executive meetings Please feel free to share suggestions/concerns anonymously through Lindsay (or as always I am open to feedback directly!)
Sam & Louie’s Fundraiser Feb 21 7pm Trivia (5 person teams) $12/person includes: all you can eat pizza, soda, and penny beers $8/person includes: all you can eat pizza and soda Open to everyone and anyone! Invite friends!! 15% of bill goes to PTE anytime throughout the day for people who mention the fundraiser Volunteer? See Erin and Leesa
St. Catherine’s Challenge National PTE effort started by St Catherine’s chapter Goal: Raise money for research in OT Part of our funds raised through S&L will be donated
Distinguished Lecturer Update? Please see Jenny if you signed up to help or wish to help! Mary Rodriguez, Brooke Brown, Justine Bucy, Kendra Solko, Jaclyn Auvil, Molly Ham, Megen Wulf, Rae Zabatrosky
Elections! Are you looking for a way to get more involved next year? Start thinking elections March 3 rd, 2014 Look for more info in the February meeting! Remember the more involved you are this year, the easier officer transitions will be!
The AOTA/NBCOT National Student Conclave November 15-16, 2013 Jacksonville, FL
Events PTE annual business meeting Exhibits- colleges, hospitals, staffing agencies, etc. Free handouts!!! Informational Sessions Work and industry Being evidence-based practitioner Productive aging: low vision Rehabilitation, disability, and participation Networking time, sponsored lunch OT examination prep
PTE Annual Business Meeting Approval of minutes (last year) Introduction of new officers Presentation of budget Amendment to Constitution grading scale criteria for international schools New Business
New Business Sign up to be on nomination committee or to volunteer at a national level Announce open positions- Our chapter must vote by Feb. 14! Approve 2014 budget Present/ Announce awards Brainstorm perks for Pi Theta alumni Share what chapters are doing at their schools
My Favorites Getting to know students from other schools! Learning more about the board exams Sample questions we answered at our table Outline for how to prepare for boards Brainstorming ways Pi Theta can become better
For You! Scroll & Pen- Quarterly newsletter- submit articles about events we put on St. Catherine Challenge- Fundraise for OT research Trivia night Feb. Sam & Louies Pi Theta alumni event Thursday evening at conference- more info to come!