ELA Grade 11/12 Cohort Common Core Transition Training SY March 7, 2014 Professional Development Center (PDC) Judy Henderson, Emily Jimenez, Elizabeth Hernandez, Gina Vattuone
Welcome NORMS: 1.Participate equally. 2.Postpone judgment and tolerate ambiguity. 3.Advocate for what is best for our students. 4.Accept critical questions. 5.Reach agreement with consensus.
Daily Learning Target (DLT) By the end of today’s cohort training, I will be able to gain assessment literacy and describe measurable outcomes expected of my students by the end of the semester as evidenced by annotated assessment drafts and completed evaluation criteria.
PD Essential Question How do challenging tasks affect teacher expectations, instructional practices, and student learning?
How did we get here? O Cohort 1: 2 sample PTs O Cohort 2: PT frame and PT O Cohort 3: Collaboration to create PT and Final Exam O Cohort members: Continuing collaboration to revise PTs and Final Exam
Why? O New standards emphasize the integration of all four strands—Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language O New standards ask students to engage with complex texts and to synthesize information in support of controlling ideas or claims
Our work today O Session 1: O Review the PT and provide feedback for the final product O Implement Structured Student Interaction O Session 2: O Review the Final Exam and provide feedback for the final product O Session 3: O Read Chapter 3 of the CCSS ELA Framework
Performance Task Parameters O Is aligned to Semester 2 EQs O Addresses both content and literacy outcomes O Includes texts with possible annotation directions O Has internal coherence: all parts are related O Includes CR tasks based on texts O Includes time for collaboration O Requires synthesis in written format O Includes scoring guide/rubric
Structured Student Interactions (SSI) provide for opportunities to verbally process/rehearse before producing an outcome access prior knowledge or allow for processing new information select SSI activity based on students’ needs √ enhance ability to garner meaning from text √ elicit/refine responses to the texts contain clearly communicated and consistently followed protocols √ think time √ language response expectations √ developmentally appropriate and cognitively demanding task √ conservative time limits
Time to interact with PT Independent Work: (20-25 minutes as needed) O Read:Teacher Directions & Student PT (Part 1) O Complete: Chart 1 O Annotate for revision: focus on content Table/Group Work: (30-35 minutes as needed) O Use 3-Step Interview to complete Chart 2
Feedback O Discuss: Annotations O Complete: Performance Task Evaluation Guide O Submit: One master copy of PT revision & evaluation form per table
Closing Session 1 O What are some highlights? O What are some areas for growth? O Please prepare all PT papers to be collected
15 Minutes
PD Essential Question What role does the teacher play in implementing the Common Core standards, within and beyond the classroom?
Our work today O Session 1: O Review the PT and provide feedback for the final product O Review Structured Student Interaction O Session 2: O Review the Final Exam and provide feedback for the final product O Session 3: O Read Chapter 3 of the CCSS ELA Framework
Final Exam Parameters O Is aligned to semester’s EQs O Addresses both content and literacy outcomes O Must include selected responses and possibly other item types O Should engage students for minutes O Includes key/rubric(s) O Should generate data stored in DD for future reference
Rigor Relevance Framework Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix
Final Exam Review and Feedback Independent Work: (30 minutes as needed) O Read and Answer 11 th Questions th Questions O Annotate for revision: focus on content Table/Group Work: (30 minutes as needed) O Discuss & Complete: Final Exam Evaluation Guide O Provide: 1 annotated copy of Final Exam and 1 Final Exam Evaluation Guide
Closing Session 2 O What are some highlights? O What are some areas for growth?
PD Essential Question How is ELA embedded in a larger context? How can we explore depth of understanding?
Our work today O Session 1: O Review the PT and provide feedback for the final product O Review Structured Student Interaction O Session 2: O Review the Final Exam and provide feedback for the final product O Session 3: O Read Chapter 3 of the CCSS ELA Framework
Daily Learning Target (DLT) By the end of today’s cohort training, I will be able to gain an understanding of the “Key Themes and Practices for ELA/ELD Instruction” (framework draft) as evidenced by annotating the text, engaging in a collaborative activity, and completing recommended student outcomes-evidence form.
Key Themes and Practices for ELA/ELD Instruction
How will the information in Ch. 3 of the ELA/ELD Framework impact your teaching practices in the upcoming year?
Closing Session 3 O Revisit DLT O Revisit PD Essential Question: How is ELA embedded in a larger context? How can we explore depth of understanding? O NCR
Closure and Next Steps… (via NCR) 1. Summary 2. Reflection 3. Needs/Requests 4. Action Plan:
For Title II compliance, please type the link below and complete the electronic feedback form.