CAT-TAILS thypha latifolia Class:Liliopsida Scientific name:Typha latifolia Common name:cat-tails
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Cattails are tall, stiff plants, growing almost ten feet tall. The leaves look like giant blades of grass, about one inch wide. The flower has two parts; a brown cylinder (the female part), and a yellow spike (the male part).
ADAPTATION Common Cattails have roots that creep, called rhizomes. Rhizomes grow new shoots quickly. This creates the thick stands which are great cover for the many animals which live among them.
REPRODUCTION&DEVELOPMENT Common Cattails flower from May to July. In early fall, the brown flower head pops open, letting its fluffy seeds emerge. These seeds are carried by wind or water to new places.
NATIVE CONTINENT Common Cattails are a familiar sight along the shore of any marsh, pond, lake, or river. They can even be found in ditches.