The enormity of the Roman Empire required Emperor’s to be tolerant of many religions What religions did we learn about from the foundations unit?
Many Romans continued to warship multiple gods such as Jupiter, Mars and Neptune Romans were required to make a monetary sacrifice to the empire More showing loyalty to Rome and the emperor rather than a religious symbol Many willing to worship the Roman gods as well
Hebrews and Jews were exempt from making the sacrifices Making a monetary sacrifice went against their monotheistic beliefs Romans respected their long standing religion traditions Some Jews thought a messiah would come and free them from the Romans Eventually Jews in Palestine revolted and the Romans destroyed Judea and dispersed the Jews
Jesus is born in Bethlehem in Palestine/Israel /Judea According to accounts taken by his disciples he began preaching to the poor and performing miracles His followers begin to thing that he is the messiah – savior chosen by God Eventually these followers are called Christians Jesus’ message was rooted in the Hebrew tradition Taught people to be humble, merciful and unselfish Also taught that followers would be rewarded with eternal life and salvation
At first Roman officials thought Christianity was just a sect of Judaism When Christianity became its own religion many Romans thought “why should they be exempt from sacrificing” Romans afraid Jesus would lead Jewish revolt Jesus is convicted of sedition and executed by crucifixion (not a roman citizen) Persecution started off at a local level As problems in the Empire expand, so does persecution of Christians
Problems in the Empire Inflation Pressure on the boarders Governmental instability – emperors getting assassinated Christians begin to become scapegoats They are not looking out for the Roman Empire in times of trouble Those who refuse to denounce their faith become martyrs (die for their beliefs) Instead of discouraging Christianity many convert inspired by this devotion
Constantine stops the persecution of Christians He is believed to have a vision prior to a battle leading him to Christianity He helped to reorganize the church and integrate Christianity into Roman Culture Romans had freedom of religion 395 A.D. Christianity became the official religion on the Empire