The First Commandment in our own Day
I am the Lord your God; you shall not have other gods before Me Exodus 20:2-3 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me”
Demands: Worship Adoration Belief, and an attempt to learn more about Him Forbids Superstition Impiety: being irreverent or disrespectful of God and His sacred things Heresy: The denying or disagreeing with a particular truth Apostasy: Deserting or leaving the true religion
“No other gods” often interpreted “no strange gods” Idolatry: Worshipping other gods Golden Calf episode Idolatry in the modern age: technology, money, fame We should not love anything/anyone as much as we love God We must acknowledge that he is above all else in our lives We can love other things, but we need to love Him more
Mark 10:17-22 Man Had many possessions Wanted to follow Christ Had many possessions, and wasn’t willing to leave them Left sad and empty We need to have a “detached love” for things of this world We can love them, but need to be willing to let them go if God were to ask
Worship of the Hebrew people Sacrificed a valuable animal (often a lamb) Acknowledged God as more important than their own good Intended to atone for sin Could never fully Make up for sin
St. Anselm: On Why God Became Man Sin Offense against God God is eternal Eternal Sin, unless there is an eternal remedy Man is responsible for sin (due to Original Sin), but cannot make an eternal sacrifice God is eternal, but it is not He who needs to make amends for sin Need for a person who is both God and man
Jesus Both God and man As God, He is eternal, and can make an eternal sacrifice As man, He is part of the race whose job it is to make up for sin The Sacrifice of the Cross Jesus sacrificed Himself for our sins Renewed every day in the Mass, when the Eucharist is offered When we take part in the Mass, we share in His eternal sacrifice
Highest Possible Act of Worship Acknowledge God as Creator, Lord, and Master Thank Him for all He has given us Ask for the things we need Offer Christ’s sacrifice to the Father in atonement for our sins